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Missing spell


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Peachy_Nari
Hello! I'm currently a lvl 39 player and have been playing since 2018 but took a break. When I checked my spells, I realized do not have some of the spells. For example, I wanted to find Respiratus (lvl. 31 spell) but realized that I don't have it. I am missing quite alot of spells from lower levels and do not know how to get them! Please help :(


Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: gospojken
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Discord Moderator Wizencouncil Sr. Prefect Store Manager Drooble's Order
Greetings @iiChxrq,

I am sorry to hear you are experiencing these issues. I would recommend that you try to check both your second hotbar and for any additional spell inventories you may have.

To view your second hotbar, you can right-click with your want to open your spell inventory, and then hit the drop key (usually q). That should change your hotbar to another row of spells. To view if you have any in a second spell inventory, you right-click with your wand so that the spell inventory opens again, open your inventory, hover over the wand with your mouse, and then hit the drop key. This should switch to your second spell inventory if you have one!

I hope this helps, and if you need any further questions or have any other concerns, feel free to respond here, create a ticket in-game with /t create, or reach out to me on Discord (gospojken#1371) if you have that!

Have a wonderful day!

Best regards,