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More Guardian Options


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: JacobD6
A lot of people (myself included) are huge fans of the quizzes on Pottermore and the results they get from them. Pottermore offers a LOT of Patronus possibilities in their quizzes so I'm not suggesting that every single one be available for purchase, but I think a lot of people would be more interested in forking over the money if they could buy their Patronus.

For example, the most common Patronus that people get from Pottermore is the dolphin. My Patronus is an eagle, and I know more than one person with a calico cat Patronus. I think just by adding well-known/common animals, a lot of people would feel more inclined to buy a guardian from the store.


Minecraft IGN: ZADANeth
Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix
I do agree that having more options would be awesome to see, however right now it is pretty difficult to even GET the guardian spell because the quest line is broken so if you don't already have it there is no reason to purchase a look for a spell you don't have.


Minecraft IGN: PinkWeezie
Honeybadger Auralock Vampire SPEW
Hey, thank you so much for making a suggestion for the server!

I will bring this up with the Poltergeist team and respond with a decision once I receive more feedback for this idea. Again, thank you for your suggestion and have a great day. :)


Minecraft IGN: may2070
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
This is a cool idea :D I've never seen anyone use the animus exto spell with a guardian that wasn't a chicken, so hopefully this encourages more people to use it


Minecraft IGN: PinkWeezie
Honeybadger Auralock Vampire SPEW
Hey there!

Thank you so much for your suggestion. I have brought up this idea to the Poltergeist team and unfortunately we will be declining it. We thought this would be a fun idea, however guardian options are not usually that popular in the store. We want to focus on putting new things in the store that multiple players would enjoy and since guardians are already not super popular, we didn't feel putting more would be the best idea. Also many of the Patronus results on Pottermore are common, non-magical animals which we felt players would not really be interested in buying because they are not exactly unique and do not really go with Potterworld.

Again, thank you very much for your suggestion. We love to hear new ideas that players have for the server and hope to see more of yours in the future!. Hope you have a wonderful day. :)