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I was thinking back to the first quests I did, and I realized that I hadn't done ones around the castle recently. I am level 59. I believe there should be more quests around the castle for higher levels.
I was thinking back to the first quests I did, and I realized that I hadn't done ones around the castle recently. I am level 59. I believe there should be more quests around the castle for higher levels.
There was a main story line (sometimes referred to as MSL in case if you wanna search a bit more about it) being made as a part of 2.0 update, and it was supposed to be based around the school. Now I'm not sure if that's still in the plan for the upcoming update, but it's definitely something that they had in mind.
There was a main story line (sometimes referred to as MSL in case if you wanna search a bit more about it) being made as a part of 2.0 update, and it was supposed to be based around the school. Now I'm not sure if that's still in the plan for the upcoming update, but it's definitely something that they had in mind.