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November 2023 Hidden Coupon - Found


Greetings, witches and wizards!

We are excited to announce the release of this month's hidden coupon! Taking inspiration from past gameplay, we are releasing one hidden gift card/coupon around our world today.

This gift card can only be obtained by one lucky player and is hidden well. It is truly difficult but rewarding to find, especially if it is found before the Black Friday Sale concludes on November 27th, 11:59 PM PST!

Each gift card can only be obtained once and will give the player who finds it $5.00 to spend for free on our store! Owned coupons can be checked in /me and are valid for 6 months from release.

For this month's hidden gift card... first head to our store to hunt for a hint! We wish you all the best of luck!

Update (December 30, 2023):
We are thrilled to announce that after extremely hard work from the community, the November 2023 hidden coupon has been found! Thank you to everyone who put their effort and time into searching for it. We wish better luck next time to all who were not successful in finding this one!

While the coupon is found, you can still search for it using our store hint to find it if you want a challenge! The hints are removed once the next hidden coupon is released, but you can still encounter the puzzle on the server.

From this month on, we will post the solution once the hidden coupon has been found. Additionally, we will list a history of all hidden coupon winners moving forward.
Please see below for this month's hidden coupon solution and the winners so far!

The November 2023 hidden coupon required players to solve a four-piece puzzle. The hints could be found on store items on our store page and were the following:
  • Frosty Crown: Use this to help you be the first one to find November's coupon!
  • (The) Ivy Gem Staff: There's not a second to waste in finding November's coupon.
  • Raven Warp Key: The raven has travelled a third of its way. Now, you must move quickly, or November's hidden coupon will be someone else's.
  • Emerald Wizard's Hat: Go forth and find this item to collect November's hidden coupon!
These items were, in order, located at 3588 30 2797 (in Hogsworth), 3933 14 3540 (Flame Crawler spawn area), 3013 6 10248 (Sneeler spawn area), and 2871 45 3390 (west of Hogsworth.)

Players could gather further clues by carefully examining the hints on the store. The ordinal numbers (first, second, third, and fo(u)rth) in the hints contained multiple clues. The first was the order in which a player had to find the items. This meant that the player had to discover the Frosty Crown before The Ivy Gem Staff, which had to be found before the Raven Warp Key, and so on.

Secondly, by retrieving the first letter of each item's name and putting them in the order that the ordinal numbers suggested, a fifth hint could be found - "FIRE." This hinted that the player should find locations with fire. For example, the final item - the Emerald Wizard's Hat - was located inside a tent west of the Hogsworth castle, which had a campfire next to it. This is where a player could collect the hidden coupon by interacting with the hat, provided that they had found the other items first.

  • November 2023: Ellibear
  • October 2023: fxndomgeek
  • September 2023: evphorics
  • August 2023: Idris_
  • July 2023: _Navyy
