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Npc Madame Hooch and more indications to find places in the Castle


New Magician
Hello to all witches and wizards,
I have some interesting ideas to make even more magical our castle
Unfortunately the space dedicated to flight is not as I figured out, first because there is not the presence of Madame Hooch (Boom for italians), which could train beginners through the famous magic rings. Secondly also the appearance of this portion of the school in my opinion does not reflect that of movies and games. Only in part, as the greenhouses are rightly closer to the castle and the broom handles are further apart.
These are some images taken from games for different platforms depicting the space where Madame Hooch teaches: a courtyard or a double courtyard surrounded by internal walls and towers, with a fountain or a small monument.

Then my second suggestion is the implementation of the signage for Hogwarts. I understand very well that the school is an enchanted place to explore and is very excited to do so, but it would be helpful if there were more signs, which would certainly not damage the beauty of our school.
For example I can’t find the transfiguration courtyard with this sign-> https://i.ibb.co/DWx8QHN/Clipboard0000.jpg
https://ibb.co/tDwWXRx -> in this fragment I don’t know where to go, now I try going straight
https://ibb.co/r68PqCQ -> here I came behind this door that unfortunately does not indicate that there are greenhouses, so I go back
https://i.ibb.co/vw7BmHP/traq.jpg -> this portal is the right one but unfortunately without indications. 1 2 3 Feraverto!

Thanks to all the colleagues who will support my proposal and to builders if they will take it into consideration <3


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Discord Moderator SPEW Game Designer Lead
Hey there!

Thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion! We really appreciate the feedback given to us and we take all of it into careful consideration.

At this time, we will be declining this suggestion. We already plan to add a quest that teaches players how to use brooms. There will be a lot of new NPC's on the new world, so you'll have to wait and see for these! Additionally, in the Revelius Update, we already plan to add signs around the castle.