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PotterworldMC PotterworldMC PotterworldMC

Owl animagus

Owl transformo change

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Minecraft IGN: Nic30
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent
I don't know if people will agree with what I am about to say but I think it would be great to put the owl at head height because an owl that flies close to the ground has some disease (irony). I hope I'm not the only one who thinks so I wish you a good day


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Discord Moderator SPEW Game Designer Lead
Hey there!

Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion! We like it and would like to do this, but unfortunately due to technical limitations this is not possible for us to do. The owl is the height of the bat mob so this can sadly not be changed.