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Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator SPEW Store Manager Drooble's Order Lead
Hello @_lilangel_, and other who have provided their thoughts on this thread! We have actually had the idea mentioned here suggested previously- purchasing skips from the store. Previously we have been of the stance that we do not wish to sell skips to parkours as that would be incorporating a negative "pay-to-win" aspect of our server. Our opinion has not changed over the last year; we still do not want to sell parkour skips for the same reason.

However, we do want quests to be enjoyable, and have been working to add more checkpoints to our difficult parkours! We also do not have tricky parkours in more recent content, and you might've noticed the addition of automatic teleports in recent event parkours after a certain number of attempts. If there is a particular parkour you (or anyone reading this) think should be easier, you can reply to this thread with the suggestion to add a checkpoint, or create a new thread with the content.

We hope that this is an appropriate solution, and do let us know about any abnormally difficult parkours!