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Player Visibility in Wizard's PE


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: RainbowElfe
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked

Add toggleable player visibility in WizPE with settings such as party only, friend list only, house only, everyone, specific people, etc. The default should be that everyone's invisible, but you can set who you see during the start or throughout the class.


1. Easier to make friends
2. Possible to race against other people
3. Players can improve on their parkour skills with help from others
4. Nice to see who's ahead/behind you
5. Better for hanging out w/ friends
6. Makes class feel less empty
7. Overall better class experience

In-Depth Explanation

I think having a system where you can turn on/off the visibility of who you can see in Wizard's PE would be pretty neat. Making a whole new system for visibility for one specific class may not seem that worthwhile, but I and many other frequenters of WizPE have mentioned that something like this would add a lot to the experience.

It would be cool to have options like only seeing people in your party, friend list, same house, everyone, specific people you select or seeing a limited amount of people (ex. in Hypixel housings there's an option to only see a random amount of 25, 50, 100, & so on # of people). You could make a party just to get through WizPE, while you encourage and help each other out, or generally just hang out with your friends. In the beginning, there are a TON of people all at the same stage, so the default would be that everyone is invisible. You can set your preferences to whatever you want as the class goes on (or just at the start of class), and the everyone option is just there so you can occasionally see where people are at.

For those who aren't that great at parkour but still attend for class chat, I feel like they would have a much more fun experience if they were able to see each other. Imagine you couldn't parkour, no matter hard you tried. After 30 minutes, you're stuck doing the same jump over and over again. At this point, you're bored out of your mind. It's not like you can do anything, so you start typing in chat. But that's about as much as you can do. So after you're tired of having to repeat that one jump, you turn on visibility. Suddenly, you see 3 others having the same struggle as you. You find people just like you and form some new friendships. I've spoken to numerous lower years who have said how difficult it can be to make friends on the server. Providing a new avenue of making friends through classes would add greatly to the experience of those new to the server and looking for people to hang out with.

Going back to more specifics about my suggestion, it would also be an interesting bonus if there was an option so that you aren't visible even if players try to select you. Some people don't perform well knowing there's an audience. It takes off the pressure from frequent top 10 players, as players are likely to be checking where they are and tell them there are XX people ahead of them, someone's right behind them, etc. Those players would rather not know the current positions, which is why they can choose to keep visibility turned off.

As someone who can be competitive in WizPE, toggleable player visibility provides a lot more fun in the class to me. It would be so cool if I could race to the end against my friends, or know how far ahead/behind I am from someone. I strive to get Top 3 and it can be nerve-wracking to not know where I stand in the placings until I reach the end. Of course, this doesn't hold very well when talking about the paragraph above, but in the case that other people aren't using the option to turn off their visibility, it would be pretty neat.

I really enjoyed it when I was able to see others in the class with the old invisibility system, even if it was limited to just seeing people holding items and running particles on the floor. With the new system, it feels cold and empty, like I'm the only one in class. It's not as fun. However, I do see a benefit to the vanishing system. Since it's not potion effects, I'm still able to see my hand (which for some reason helps me with parkour). Some players focus better with no distractions. That's why I'd like to have the vanishing system but just with options where you can set who you can see.

Players often ask a lot about how to do a jump, which can be difficult to explain through just class chat. Class helpers and professors are busy; while they try to help out when they can, there are often too many people asking, or it's beyond their skill level. Not all professors or class helpers can do parkour. Having the option of seeing other players would benefit a lot who need a visual demonstration but aren't able to get help. They can watch other players succeed and then learn from each other, rather than attempting to do something over and over again without results.

I'm sure there are many more benefits that I haven't thought of, but this is what I have for now. I don't know what it takes to code something like this, but I do know is that it would make WizPE 100x more fun. I hope my suggestion isn't too difficult to implement and could be considered.
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Minecraft IGN: SpookyEllie
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Great idea! it will be easier on the professors not having to do invisibility once in awhile, and also agree on how others can show each other the jumps instead of waiting for class helpers and the professor. :D it will be a better experience and more player on player interaction if this ever happens


Minecraft IGN: YeetChris
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Class Helper SPEW Linked
Hii I like this idea!! Maybe this could be added somewhere in the future? I'm not sure how this would work tho


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: PuppetM
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I think this is a great idea! It could open the door to a lot of fun between friends and fellow house members.

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer Engineer Linked
Heya @RainbowElfe!

Thank you for taking the time on making your suggestion, as we're always searching for ways to improve the server and make it fun and fair for all players! Additionally, thank you to those who have sent in their feedback regarding the suggestion. I will have your suggestion be brought up to the rest of the staff team, and from there, we will go into discussion. After a decision has been made by the leadership team through careful consideration, I will return to you with a response, so keep an eye out for any further updates on this thread!

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer Engineer Linked
Hiya again @RainbowElfe!

Apologies for the wait! After careful consideration, we have decided to accept this suggestion. We think this would be a useful quality of life feature for players to use to go through WizPE with friends, parties etc. However, this is currently difficult for us to do, and we are unsure when we would be able to do this. For now, we will keep you updated, so make sure to watch this thread for any changes!

Thank you again for creating this suggestion, and I hope you have a lovely day!


Minecraft IGN: 20zuzka04
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Prefect Class Helper SPEW Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Hiya there @RainbowElfe !

I'm happy to say that this suggestion has now been completed! We have added Invisibility Googles to classes which now allow for players individually to toggle whether or not to hide players in classes such as Wiz PE, Magical Cuisine and Flying. We are not looking to add this support to party, friends pr guilds at this point in time.

Thank you again for creating this suggestion and we hope you have a magical day!