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Potterworld Wiki: New Pages & Edits [March 31st 2023]

Greetings everyone!

The Scribe team is excited to release the next set of patch notes for the Potterworld Wiki! This batch will be going through new pages, edits, and rewrites that have been implemented since the previous patch notes, specifically from January 31st to today, March 31st!

New Pages:
Below is the list and links to the new pages that have been written and implemented onto the wiki!

Rewritten Pages:
In addition to new pages, previously existing NPC pages has been rewritten to include new lore about the NPCs!

Edits Implemented:
Several edits were made to already existing pages due to new gameplay & development changes as well as updates to different departments.
  • Implemented graphics made by the Arithmancer team to several Reputation NPC pages
  • Added the new Revenant Gauntlet daily activities to the Daily Activities page
  • Added the experience and Gold amounts earned from each boss to the Revenant Gauntlet page
  • Updated the Minigames page to reflect the removal of Soulshard Wars as well as the increase of rewards for Party Games
  • Updated various team pages to reflect leadership changes
    • Pages Edited: Academics, Game Design, and Media and Public Relations
  • Implemented a table listing the required experience needed to level up to the Levelling page
  • Updated the Spells List page to include the following spells: Lacerum Incisis, Saniteris, and Scribblifors

That is all for this list of patch notes! We hope that you enjoy the new, rewritten, and updated content on the wiki!

jisunize, MelonFoxy, mn614, snotflower, xMye, and _xNadine

DarktheDino, ElizabethTheToad, and PinkWeezie

DarktheDino, ElizabethTheToad, lyseau, and PinkWeezie
