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Minecraft IGN: TheVirgoKid101
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
Since the clubs and allegiances got removed and possibly never will return, some players might never get the chance to get a different prefix besides their house. So we could sell unique not Harry Potter related prefixes. For example we could buy prefixes, but in a different colour from the store. So you can have an orage or pink prefix.

And if a new players joins, we can make them have 2 free prefixes, their house prefix (like now) and they can also have a prefix called pws (potter world student) and thats the one where u can purchase different colours for.

Another idea is as you progress through the levels, you should get awarded a free prefix, like if you become level 80 you can have L80S (Level 80 Serpent) or last letter for which ever house your in. Also L80PWS (Level 80 Potterworld student)

Ideas for prefixes to get sold in the store again-

- NEON- A prefix that can come with a lot of neon colours you can change it to, and also it can show up in chat like normal prefixes like (NEON)Username:

- (One maybe if the suggestion gets accepted this month) (Zombie)Username:


-(Pro[Then whatever house ur in]) username ---- (Example for me) (ProSerpent)Username:

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer
Hello @Yellow_Flower!

Thank you for making this suggestion! At this time, I will bring it up to the rest of the Poltergeist team for further discussion. It will then be brought up to the Leadership team, and once a decision has been made, I will return to you with a response!

Have a wonderful day!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer
Hiya again @Yellow_Flower!

After carefully discussing this suggestion with the Leadership team, they have decided to decline this suggestion. While we understand the reasoning behind having unique prefixes in different colours, we believe that this would create more clutter in chat and make chat messy with new prefixes and colour combinations, especially considering how many staff and player prefixes already exist/are in use. Additionally, new players would need to get used to and understand all of these new prefixes. However, we agree that adding some new prefixes would be nice, so are wanting to look into possibly adding some in the future, as well as new emojis.

Thank you again for making this suggestion! We hope that you'll continue to create and share more with us in the future! Have a great day!