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Quabbleball Update


Minecraft IGN: DenizTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP SPEW

Greetings Quabbleballers!

I bring some exciting news to you! After 514 days, we finally have an update for Quabbleball! Let’s first talk a bit about why we couldn’t release any updates for Quabbleball. A while ago, part of our back-end structure got reworked, which left specific plugins unchangeable (literally). Hide and seek and quabbleball were one of these plugins. We made multiple attempts at making it possible to fix the issue, but it was taking up too much time that we could not afford with Revelius and everything else. Thankfully, our head of development Danny, sat down a week ago and spent time bringing them back, wooo!

And now for the change-log! We’d love to hear what you think about them, so please let us know!
  • We’ve added a completely new map! This map is now randomly chosen between the default map, and is known as the Quabbleball World Cup map :)
  • We’ve completely reworked the scoreboard to use our new scoreboard tech - it now shows a lot more information, such as who has the quabble, how many goals each team has scored, and how many snidgets they’ve caught.
  • We’ve lowered the knockout duration from the beater’s left-click spell from 4 seconds to 3 seconds. Hopefully this should make it slightly easier to escape them, instead of being permanently locked down on the ground.
  • The Quabble will now always glow, even when on the ground!
  • Dropping the Quabble now throws it.
  • Snidget spawns are now randomized. They’ll no longer spawn in the same spot - this should hopefully add an extra challenge to the Seekers!
  • Coloring in the action bars should now be consistent with the coloring of the game.. no more of the ugly dark red color with the green one. Let’s keep it lime and yellow :)
We’ve been working on some exciting bug fixes and improvements that we’ll be releasing very soon as well :D

Thank you all! That’s it now for now!
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Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
Thanks for the needed update! Unsure about the Bruiser change though.. I can't wait to see what you guys have planned for the Passers and Defenders!