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Remember sort shop choice


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: justinvdvelden
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Linked
Hi, I came across this problem when I was reworking my shop. Whenever I would sort to stock amount (which takes 6 clicks from the start), I can take out items and change the price no problem. But when I remove an item from my shop, it will reset the sort shop, making me click 6 more times to sort stock amount again, and then to have it happen again every time I remove an item. I know there's a prune stock option for clearing out everything that has no stock, but I want to be able to do it manually too, in case I don't want everything removed. I hope you consider adding this feature in the shop :)


Minecraft IGN: Mireiia
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hii @justinvdvelden !

As the behavior you described is not intentional, this is actually a bug! We have fixed it for the future and it is now live, therefore this suggestion will be marked as completed!

Thank you for reporting this and I hope you have a wonderful day!