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Remove or make Sniper Kits unlockable in Payload


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
On the Rebel's side, in the Payload map, the beginning area has a long path which tends to become spawn campy if there are Imperials who are good at using Sniper. On one game that I played, Imperial snipers were usually able to shoot me down before I was able to zoom in with my sniper as soon I got out of the spawn point.

Suggestion is to either remove the Sniper kits completely which would somewhat eliminate the spawn camping at the beginning
or make it unlockable through kills - like 10 or 20 kills to unlock
or make it available once rebels get past the last checkpoint


Minecraft IGN: SmellyBigBro
Dark Follower Griffin
The issue is with spawn cooldown and how the map is positioned. Some kits are just better than others because of the way the map is built on certain checkpoints. However, the ending point for rebels is 90% of the time impossible to try to win because there's no spawn cooldown, snipers hold you back, or they jump on payload with C4. Also, there's no way to try and go into a building for a vantage point because it's just 1 linear path which is poor map design IMO. This was an issue last year as well.


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Heya @Somnambulist !

Thank you for making this suggestion and sharing it with us! After a careful discussion the Leadership team decided to decline this suggestion. Instead of locking a certain type of gun, we have made the final stage of the Payload map harder for snipers to dominate in! We have added piles of crates as barriers which Rebels can use to their advantage down the path. We hope you enjoy the new changes that have been implemented!

Thank you once again for creating this suggestion. If you have any other suggestions or feedback, please don't hesitate to share them with us as we always look for new ways to improve the server! I hope you have a magical day!