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Remove reset price from spell trees


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
With the release of the gauntlet, I found myself resetting my spell trees several times a day, because I like to both gauntlets and duel. Those use 2 totally different systems and best strategies simply require different spell trees. It's very limiting since gauntlets and dueling are two main activities for most graduates, so it sucks that one slows another.
^^ still would like to see the price removed until talents come

I just wanna make a quick note before talents are even out, so I decided to put it here since it matches the theme in a way. So my suggestion&hope is that talents will be more "universal" like before, they effected all spells equally. Talents shouldn't heavily effect the spells that we are going to use (gear/loudouts are there for that, and I find this is the main problem of spell trees - spells are ineffective if you don't have points in them, which makes it very limiting). In this case specifically, I think that talents should work in a way so that I'm not required to reset them before gauntlet or dueling, and still be able to use 2 whole different spell sets.
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Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
TBF Gauntlet and PvP will likely always have different metas, as high level gauntlet play is very sustain based + effect stacking, while PvP is more burst damage + combos. The only real similarity is they both use fort. Even in a universal talent tree, I could see them having very different builds.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
TBF Gauntlet and PvP will likely always have different metas, as high level gauntlet play is very sustain based + effect stacking, while PvP is more burst damage + combos. The only real similarity is they both use fort. Even in a universal talent tree, I could see them having very different builds.
Yes but if talents focus on things like extra health or damage, range or radius , cooldowns.. those things won't effect it that much that you HAVE TO reset talents in order to do both dueling/gauntlet.
For example for dueling I use charm master with Jinx spells, and for gauntlet I use healer/curse set so I literally have to reset spell points each time bc I can't use any curses let's say, if I don't have points in that (back to my point where the spells simply aren't effective without spell points).
If talents worked exactly like before, they won't effect spell damages (expect like talent that used to add 15% dmg, but on ALL spells), therefore I don't have to reset them, ever. I can use both jinxes and curses effectively, and only thing that would limit them is the gear/loadout itself. Obviously certain talents will be better for gauntlet and some other ones are better for dueling, but those differences won't be so crucial - For example, if I had to choose more range or radius as a talent, I would say that range is better for dueling and radius is better for gauntlets BUT still I would be able to do gauntlets with range over radius because my spells still do the damage they're supposed to do.
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Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
UPDATE- so I've just saw Talents. Basically they work in a way I hoped for, which makes my suggestion about them useless, and since they seem to be ready for release quite soon, the other suggestion about removing cost from reseting spell trees is kinda useless as well, but it would still be nice if the price was removed until the talents come out officially.
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Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Discord Moderator SPEW Game Designer Lead
Hia @Ivan_!

Thanks for bringing this suggestion to our attention through our forums! We completely understand your reasoning for the spell tree reset cost to be removed. While spell trees are going to be removed with the release of talents, the systems team has made the decision that we'll be removing the cost to reset spell trees before the release of talents, as you have suggested! As we are removing them anyways, we feel that there is little point to make players pay to reset them.

Regarding your talents suggestion, any suggestions relating to talents at this time should be brought up within the current player testing which you are part of, as there are constant changes being made in that regard. If any of your suggestions here haven't been addressed during the beta testing, you are welcome to bring them up in your google form response. Once talents have been publicly released, we will be very happy to hear your feedback and suggestions on these forums. Thanks again for your suggestion!!


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
Hia @Ivan_!

Thanks for bringing this suggestion to our attention through our forums! We completely understand your reasoning for the spell tree reset cost to be removed. While spell trees are going to be removed with the release of talents, the systems team has made the decision that we'll be removing the cost to reset spell trees before the release of talents, as you have suggested! As we are removing them anyways, we feel that there is little point to make players pay to reset them.

Regarding your talents suggestion, any suggestions relating to talents at this time should be brought up within the current player testing which you are part of, as there are constant changes being made in that regard. If any of your suggestions here haven't been addressed during the beta testing, you are welcome to bring them up in your google form response. Once talents have been publicly released, we will be very happy to hear your feedback and suggestions on these forums. Thanks again for your suggestion!!
Thanks. And about talents, everything that I suggested here is technically already there, but i didn't wanna delete all that was previously said - I will put all of my new suggestions in my form ofc.