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"Secrets" I found Hidden in the Revelius Update Trailer Part 1


Minecraft IGN: Scoobydoolego
I probably have way to much time on my hands, considering I spent 45 minutes analyzing the first 45 seconds of a trailer for an update on a Minecraft server...

Also, most of these are pretty insignificant and the average player probably won't care much about most of these "secrets"; I just had time to kill and thought it would be fun to compile everything shown in the trailer. Some of the images are difficult to see or very large, but I could not figure out how to change the size. I also tried to make it humorous, to prevent boredom from looking at great revelations such as extra rocks on the castle grounds or a missing NPC that serves no purpose.

When the trailer first starts, we see a quick shot of the Hogsworth courtyard. Seems innocent enough right? Wrong! Above the door, there is the outline of a Hogsworth crest with 2 other crests on each side, which appear to be the crest of each house. This does not appear on the current version of the castle.

Annotation 2020-04-19 151526.png

Next, there is an image of the castle, this time viewed by the bridge near where the tower that houses the Drooblesiege Deluxe. Yet another secret is hiding in this view. 3D columns!


Another small and insignificant change comes in the next section, which shows a view of the Groundkeeper's Hut and the Dark Forest. In the trailer, there are a few extra rocks.

In the next view of the scenery, you can see the Groundkeeper's Hut. There is a wall around the pumpkin farm that does not appear in the current version.


The next few scenes show new areas that will be added, so there are no differences to analyze, and I couldn't find any dastardly secrets hiding in them.

On the image that tells about the update magic system, there is a view of the wand shop. The NPC John Hart is missing from this picture.


The next few images are of new areas, but I did manage to spot a sign hiding in the gear crafting picture. I couldn't catch what it says, but maybe someone else can.

Sadly, the Potterworld Forums only lets you attach 10 files, so I'll have to continue these exciting revelations on a second post!

I know many of these may seem insignificant, such as an extra wall, minor details in the castle, or more rocks, but they really are important because it shows just how meticulously the team worked! If they spent the time to add an extra rock, imagine what larger, more interesting changes they've made to the map.