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Self-Mute Class Chat/Carry Over "/ignore" commands


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: MachoZombie5
Staff Griffin Jr. Game Designer
I would love there to be an option to leave class chat like you can with other chats in-game, but not miss what the professor is saying. For example, I love Wizard's PE, but people talk SO MUCH in that class that the class just becomes irritating. I've turned off chat completely in settings, but then I miss trivia or skip chances by the professor. Additionally, people you ignore in-game doesn't carry over to class time. You can see every chat from the class, even from people who you ignored who are just spammy. This goes for other classes too. I sometimes turn off chat in writing classes but then commands don't work (and you can't turn on only commands because every chat in PW is treated as a command).


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
I understand how that can be frustrating, it sometimes annoys me as well because certain people seem to talk and complain more than they parkour. I don't think giving the option to leave class chat is the best solution, but I would love in /ignore's carried over to classes because I don't think you would miss on too much if you can't read something that a person you willingly ignored said. At the end of the day, if I made the choice to ignore someone, it's logical that I also agreed not to see full conversations they're apart of, doesn't matter if it's in a class or not.


Minecraft IGN: littledead
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf DD Editor Sr. Poltergeist
Hello @AshleyLongbottom ,

Thank you for your suggestion! We intentionally did not carry across ignores in class, as we wanted to make sure players were not confused if someone they ignored was called on or answered a question in chat, but you never saw it.

However, we understand that some players may want to ignore certain players in class, and that this is their choice. As such we have expanded the ignore feature to carry across into classes, as opposed to creating a self-mute of class chat.

Thank you again, and have a wonderful day!


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
Hello @AshleyLongbottom ,

Thank you for your suggestion! We intentionally did not carry across ignores in class, as we wanted to make sure players were not confused if someone they ignored was called on or answered a question in chat, but you never saw it.

However, we understand that some players may want to ignore certain players in class, and that this is their choice. As such we have expanded the ignore feature to carry across into classes, as opposed to creating a self-mute of class chat.

Thank you again, and have a wonderful day!
thank you!