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Share Updates in QB

Qudditch Knight

New Magician
Minecraft IGN: DeanKnight
Share Updates in QB​

We can quite easily agree that the updates on QB have been really nothing short of a miraculous overhaul to the game. The updates, I believe, have bettered Quabbleball. They’ve helped bring in more players and in my opinion make it more fun to play. This is a great development and I am excited by the work going on behind the scenes. The response and rapid work of the people working on Quabbleball has shone the strong connection between the player base and staff. I think we all really like how both sides are interested and feeding back information to one another.

This brings this little article to the hopefully humble request of this post. When updates to Quabbleball or the Quabbleball practice go live to the server can we please have a post on the forum about the changes? Simply something as simple as “Passer broom speed increased from 14m/s to 15m/s in both practice and in game” or “Changed the trajectory of the Quabbleball from 34 to 37.” (I don’t even know the best terms or values for the Quabbleball’s trajectory). This would be amazingly informative. The hope is that given the mutual investment in all the work into Quabbleball with relatively very little work the community can identify any changes made because in the past we’ve seen changes and were unsure what was changed or by what degree. Many prominent figures in the QB community have brought this up with me. We all seem to have a similar opinion on this; The updates, care, love, and work put into Quabbleball are highly, highly appreciated and sometimes we are a bit thrown off and confused about the changes or when they were implemented. Perhaps a single locked forum post on the subject that when updates are made the updater can reply to the post what the update is.

This is all to say we love the attention, care, love, and genuine work being put in the game. I personally really appreciate it greatly as Quabbleball is my favorite thing on the server and I believe it is super fun to play. That is why if it is not asking for too much we can get quick, easy, informative updates when changes are made to the game.


Minecraft IGN: Aglyn
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design Arena Grandmaster SPEW Academics Advisor
Hiya, @Qudditch Knight

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. Currently, all the updates are posted in the patch notes forum section when they occur or shortly after they occur. These updates also include the QB ones as well as the training station at the Quabbleball Pitch. As this is something that is already released within several patch notes we will not be creating one big thread for all this information.

We hope this does not discourage you in creating suggestions in the future. We appreciate that you took your time for all of this!

I hope you have a wonderful day/night!