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Soulcruxes as easter eggs / sidemissions


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Ditis_Thomas
Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix
Me and some friends on Potterworld really liked the Special easter eggs/ sidemissions like the Shards of the Philosopher stones or the Guardian challenge. I was thinking about other possible easter eggs or sidemissions that would fit in the storyline of Potterworld. Personally I think Lord Valdemar Soulcruxes would make a very interesting sidemission. The story would be that you can find remains of the destroyed Soulcruxes in the places Valdemar had originally hidden the pieces, But to get the soulcruxes you need to face the challenges valdemar had set for possible intruders. If you collect all remaining pieces, You get a valdemar related reward (Like a spell or a item). (In the orignal lore some of the soulcroxes were completly destroyed like Ravens diadem, So it perhaps it would be more logical to leave some of the Soulcroxes out of the mission.) I hope you like the idea!

mckenna varulv ❦

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: xokenna
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I actually really like this idea! It adds a new sidemission that still fits into the Harry Potter Henry Porter storyline! Another idea would be to possibly make this a bit harder than the other sidemissions, maybe something geared more towards graduates? It gives a bit more of a challenge and also makes the reward at the end more valuable because of all the hard work needed to get it!

You also said that some of the soulcruxes were destroyed, which i'm not completely sure matters..? (It may, don't fight me Lore team, I know you have eyes everywhere.) Perhaps something where you have to (like you said) face the challenges Valdemar has set and find the remains of destroyed Soulcruxes, and then meet Henry Porter (one of the own Soulcruxes) at the end?


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW
Hello @Thomas!

Thank you for making this suggestion and being patient while a final decision was made. I am pleased to say this suggestion has been accepted, as there is a planned project like this in the future. However, there are currently other projects that take priority, so this has been put on hold for the foreseeable future. In addition, we will use your input, but the end result may look very different.

We hope you will continue to make suggestions and thank you again! Have an amazing day!


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Ditis_Thomas
Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix
Hello @Thomas!

Thank you for making this suggestion and being patient while a final decision was made. I am pleased to say this suggestion has been accepted, as there is a planned project like this in the future. However, there are currently other projects that take priority, so this has been put on hold for the foreseeable future. In addition, we will use your input, but the end result may look very different.

We hope you will continue to make suggestions and thank you again! Have an amazing day!
Cool! Can't wait to see what you guys make of the idea :)
Gl and Have a great day too!