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Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: gospojken
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Discord Moderator Wizencouncil Sr. Prefect Store Manager Drooble's Order
Hello @lightskyber,

You obtain the spell at level 34, and I would recommend that you check both your second hotbar and a potential secondary spells inventory for the spell. For the second hotbar, you just have to hit your drop key (usually q) after you have opened your spells inventory by right-clicking with your wand. If it is not there, you can open your spell inventory and then open the actual inventory, hover over your wand, and hit the drop key to switch spells inventory, and you should find it there. If you are still having issues with finding the spell, I would recommend that you create a ticket with the "/t create" command for further staff assistance.

I hope this helps, and have a great day!

Best regards,