DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
PotterworldMC PotterworldMC PotterworldMC

Spoon Wand


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Hello @cheddarsoup !

Thank you for creating this suggestion! We always appreciate players coming forward with interesting ideas. Unfortunately, this suggestion is a duplicate to this one. As stated on the original thread, the suggestion was declined, as we want to appreciate and respect all the time that older players had to put in to receive profession items such as the spoon wand.

Regardless, thank you for this suggestion and we hope to see more from you in the future! I hope you have a fantastic day!