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Spring Waltz-, Summer Waltz-, Autumn Waltz Tournaments


Minecraft IGN: Pummpkin_
Dark Follower Raven
Frebii, The Winter Waltz tournament is here because there is the Winter Waltz Event. We already have tournaments every month so just a different title is not necessary. And people would expect an event, which would be very hard for the Unspeakable team and mess with current events. Though the Arena masters and GD team would have to officially decide this.


Minecraft IGN: Frebii
Griffin Phoenix SPEW
The difference would be that you can sign up with your friends there. There doesn't necessarily need to be an Event.


Minecraft IGN: Sunnya
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW
Hey! We appreciate your idea and we see what you're getting at, but sadly we won't be doing this type of tournament for each season.

The Winter Waltz Tournament is set up in this manner to be unique and something for all players to look forward to at the end of the year. Having other seasonal tournaments would take that away from the Winter Waltz Tournament.

We are always trying to have other interesting tournaments and ways for players to get involved throughout the year. An example would be the tournaments during last year's May the 4th Event! While a Spring, Summer, and Autumn Waltz is not something we're looking to do, we can try to incorporate other types of tournaments into events and other things.

Thank you for your suggestion!