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Star Battle Event Fixes


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Zmiy
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW

I've noticed some issues that are pretty frustrating to me and I'm sure to many other people too. Firstly, the bomber class (I can't remember what exactly it's called) is really, to be honest, quite annoying and should either be removed or changed to be less overpowered. I feel like I'm constantly killed by the C4 and especially since the main Millenium Falcon area is the general area where all the action takes place, it's hard to spot when the C4 is thrown. I think the C4 mainly should either be removed or made significantly less powerful.

As for the flamethrower class (and this also applies to the C4, stun grenade and thermal detonators), the flamethrower itself can be used to set fire to your own teammates which has already been used for trolling in my experience. Same with stun grenades which is annoying when you're trying to stun the enemy but you stun yourself or your own team, and being flung around by your own team's thermal detonators or C4.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Danny2293
For the Flamethrower class it is slightly over power with the equipment the class could drop the C4 and just keep the Medic pack and the thermal det.

With the Boomer class, i would suggest maybe droping the amount of thermal dets from ten down to 7/8 that way players will have to be more aware of the amount of ammo they have and when best to use which explosive


Minecraft IGN: lividk
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Hello @Zmooya !

For the Grenadier kti, we've already lowered the amounts of C4 in the kit itself. We've also reduced the damage taken and the radius of the C4 to make it more balanced!
We have also made a couple other changes, which can be found here.

For the flamethrower and grenades; unfortunately, we are unable to do anything about this due to limitations with the Magic plugin.
Thanks for your suggestion!!

Stay safe,
// Leyak