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Store and Account Linking not Working


New Magician
I am trying to use the store but when I go to use my IGN it says I need to join the game while I am currently in game. The /link command does not work.


Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: gospojken
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Discord Moderator Wizencouncil Sr. Prefect Store Manager Drooble's Order Linked
Greetings, @Ajsmith32,

Thank you for letting us know about this! I will pass on this information to the Developers now. For the Discord linking, in what way is the /link command not working?

Best regards,


New Magician
So when you do /link nothing happens it will say to try again. For the /discord, the command works in game but the link provided brings you to an error page. Everything else seems to be functioning okay.


Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: gospojken
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Discord Moderator Wizencouncil Sr. Prefect Store Manager Drooble's Order Linked
Hello again, @Ajsmith32,

Thank you for the additional information! I have passed on this information to the Developers now. We will look into it and ensure it works as soon as possible.

Best regards,


Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: gospojken
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Discord Moderator Wizencouncil Sr. Prefect Store Manager Drooble's Order Linked
Hii, @Ajsmith32,

The Store issue has been fixed now! We believe that both of the linking commands should work now too. Can you please try again and let me know if it works?

Best regards,


New Magician
Store seems to working fine for me. The /link for accounts still doesn't work, but it could be an error on my end. The /discord is also still leading to a page that says status error false even if you copy the link to the clip board.


Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: gospojken
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Discord Moderator Wizencouncil Sr. Prefect Store Manager Drooble's Order Linked
Hi again, @Ajsmith32,

Thank you for your response! When you do /link, does anything appear at all in the chat? A link should appear that you can follow to link your account. As for Discord, are you being logged into Discord in your web browser before running the /discord command? If not, please try doing that first. It would also be helpful if you can send any screenshots of the errors that you get. Those can give us more context to what is happening.

Best regards,
The something went wrong part is what occurs when I /link. The discord command brings me to an entirely white page with no options to do anything. I am sign in on my browser already, the link just doesn't seen to work on my end.


Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: gospojken
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Discord Moderator Wizencouncil Sr. Prefect Store Manager Drooble's Order Linked
Hello, @Ajsmith32,

Thank you! I will update the Developers with this information. I will get back to you as soon as possible when we know more.

Best regards,


Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: gospojken
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Discord Moderator Wizencouncil Sr. Prefect Store Manager Drooble's Order Linked
Hello again, @Ajsmith32,

The Discord linking and the website linking should now be working again. So, you can try to link yourself again, and if you are still experiencing issues, please feel free to let us know!

Best regards,