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Suggestion for Change to "Rising Healer: United" Quest


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: BroadwayN3rd
Hello, in the "Rising Healer: United" quest there is a time when you have to go through a maze with a nausea effect turning on and off. I recommend either limiting the nausea effect or getting rid of it. This is because some people, like myself, are sensitive to these kinds of sudden movements. Playing this quest gave me a big migraine because of the nausea effect. Just wanted to put my suggestion out there so people know that the nausea effect can cause problems in real life.
Thank you for your time.

Micah Cresswell

Minecraft IGN: Hacim4
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf
It hurt my brain! I don't usually get motion sick (I can read in the car fine and stuff like that). I agree that blindness would work as a substitute if they changed the story a bit.


Minecraft IGN: Aglyn
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design Arena Grandmaster SPEW Academics Advisor
Hello, @BroadwayN3rd !

Thank you for making this suggestion. This suggestion has been accepted, as we will be implementing a sensitivity option that will allow players to toggle the nausea affect. It will be released with a patch notes in the near future.

Thank you once again, and I hope you have a wonderful day!!


Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator SPEW Store Manager Lead

I'm here with some good news- the toggle in Rising Healer: United has been implemented! You can now change the nausea maze to a blindness maze if you wish to.

We hope you enjoy this new change and thank you for suggesting this! We'd love to see more suggestions in the future.