DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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Suggestion For The game


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Evil_Glitch
Auralock Griffin
I am Not sure if this is already in game but i have idea of goblet of fire cup championship like that and like only year 5 o 6 and +only who can join it because they are the one who have the most of the good spells and already know game good and it happen every maybe year or few months idk and the prize be something huge like a name beside the username like "Champion" or something like that and also gold and exp the amount as you say and it be the same thing but not same i mean like clues and stuff you need find and use and you need to figure the clue out and know the right spell and what i am thinking of i there is hidden spells only can use in this event and the only one who solve the clue know the name of it and also can go next level and there will be like timer maybe 2 days or something like that i not want to say what exactly because i still don't know if you gonna approve it or not but what i mean this is basic stuff and there be hard missions and clues to solve and do maze.....i know about the 6th anniversary stuff and btw happy 6th anniversary : D but what i mean it not like same everyone can join and the rewards not like the rewards of the goblet of fire cup thing in the movie so like my suggestion is to make a Goblet of Fire Cub tournament and the prize big but it hard...i would love to help you to build it if you need help i am a builder i was staff member and builder in a server before called invaded and i know how to do this thing and i am ready to answer any question to apply if it need but i really just want see this tournament happen with me or not but i really want try it....and again i have alot of good ideas just give me the green light and i gonna help you build this tournament and use the commands and the packs and everything and you can take the builder or staff thing from me after i just want make this thing real and make people have fun and be happy more : D thanks for reading all this i know it is long but i hope it worthy if want ask for more information or ask me anything this is my discord: Brus Lee#4164 my name in game: Gimmmemore but i might change it anyway Thanks again Have Good Day <3 ^^