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Temporary channel switch [SOLVED/CLOSED BY USER]


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: EagleClarinet22
Auralock Griffin
Short Summary
Add a feature to make it so you can send a quick message in a channel without fully switching/focusing.

How this would work would be by just adding a subcommand to /ch <channel> and make it be able to say
/ch <channel> <message>

<message> a string argument that allows the player to send a message in the channel without switching over.

Why This Should be Implemented
I think this should be implemented because it is a lot easier to do this command rather than focusing on the channel first then sending the message. This would help in people responding to qc help as well as trade requests, etc.

/ch <channel>
Now focusing on <channel>

/ch <channel> <message>
Sends message in <channel> but does not switch to <channel>

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer
Heya @EagleClarinet22!

You're also able to do /<abbreviated channel name> <message>, as this is a shortcut and a more convenient way to talk in other channels while focused on a different channel.

For example:
If you're focused on Local, you can do /ga <message>, and it'll send the message in Games chat.