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The Daily Diviner - Breaking News 5

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The Daily Diviner

New Magician
The Fight for Werewolf Rights!
Breaking News
Written by andr3u
Edited by The Seer Team & the DDLPs

Greetings readers, and welcome to a special Breaking News edition of the Daily Diviner! While the Ministry is making some leadership changes with the new Chief Aurorlock, others are continuing to fight for Werewolves’ rights in our society. The Werewolf community protests to the Ministry of Magicians for more Werewolf Rights across the world. Students who represent a variety of allegiances and organizations stand alongside the Werewolves to grab the Ministry’s attention during protests. The current leader of the Werewolf community is AlexaChi (Alexa_Larkspur), the temporary Alpha Werewolf. You may recognize her name from the first Editorial of Issue #15 of the Daily Diviner.

Today, I have Alexa here to tell us about her goals for all of the Werewolves in the magical world.

What would you like to achieve with the power of the Werewolf community?

Alexa: I’d like to achieve anti-discrimination, as well as building a safe place for all Werewolves. At the moment, Werewolves are spread out everywhere without a sense of organization or a proper place to call home. We do not deserve to be treated like animals. Therefore, I’d like to create a space where werewolves can be themself without a worry.

What actions are you going to take to achieve these goals?

Alexa: The actions I plan on taking definitely include a path of organization. As I stated earlier, the Werewolves are spread out everywhere. If we come together and neatly organize our ranks, peace and harmony will be reached among us. Only then can we move to greater goals such as finding easy access to the Wolfsbane Potion/ingredients.

How successful do you think the Werewolves have been in achieving their goals so far?

Alexa: I believe the Werewolves have done well with getting our points across and our purpose out there, but I know there’s still more we can do. While our protests have been loud and proud, it has still been difficult pushing for more attention. We mostly need to get our message across to officials of the Wizarding Community, especially those working for the Ministry of Magicians. I believe we’ve opened a lot of eyes, but now it’s time to take action for what we’re fighting for!

Do you have any words to say to the Chief Aurorlock specifically?

Alexa: Yes, I do. Firstly, I’d like to ask for you to give us a chance. Aid us in our struggle to create a safer community for witches, wizards and Werewolves. We did not choose to be this way. Your help and gratitude would be highly appreciated. Secondly, the Werewolves could prove as powerful allies to you. When divided, we may appear weak, but as a pack I’m sure we are stronger than ever before. I would like for you to take my words into consideration.

What are your opinions on the new Chief Aurorlock and how he has responded to your protests? Do you believe that he will listen and make some changes in favor of the Werewolves?

Alexa: I believe that the new Chief Aurorlock has a good heart and that he will be willing to help us or even provide just a little bit of assistance. Any help we can get matters. I personally have not seen any direct responses from the new Chief Aurorlock; however, we have received no negative feedback either. I will take this as a neutral sign for now, but I will certainly be looking out for his opinions as the Werewolves continue to protest.

I would like to personally thank Alexa for coming in today to be interviewed. It appears that they hope to see organization in the forces of the Werewolves and a more positive response from the Chief Aurorlock. However, they are both hopeful for the future of Werewolf rights. I personally hope that the Werewolf community can achieve their goals in the future with the help of our new Chief Aurorlock and the support of all of you. Thank you all for tuning in to the latest edition of the Daily Diviner. Stay safe everyone!
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