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The Daily Diviner - Breaking News 7

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The Daily Diviner

New Magician
Potions Shop Explosion
Breaking News
Written by xArabella and RicerRani
Edited by MamaDuckie

Greetings witches and wizards of the wizarding world, the Daily Diviner brings you some breaking news directly from the Ministry! Late October 6th, Aurorlock officials and Aurorlock Deputy Rani Lightwood were summoned to the scene of an explosion that occurred within a local potions shop in Vertick Alley.

The cause of the explosion was later discovered to be a gas leak within the storage unit, although it is unknown exactly how the explosion was set off. The Aurorlock officials searched the wreckage for any survivors, but in the end, they discovered the body of the owner of the shop, Lucian Smith, who was declared dead moments after. After further inspection, he seems to have been the only one at the shop at the time of the devastating event.

The Daily Diviner was able to get an interview with Deputy Lightwood on the terrifying explosion and her thoughts on the matter. “This horrific event has shocked many individuals both inside the Ministry and those part of the community, my heart truly goes out to the family of the deceased and I’m wishing them all the best,” she said. When asked about the Ministry’s investigation regarding the suspicious attack, she responded with; “The circumstances behind the accident are certainly suspicious if I’m saying the least. The evidence found at the scene leads us to believe that there was some foul play here, including that Mr. Smith seemed to be in a state of shock when he sadly passed away. That, and the offending gas tank seemed to have been purposely tampered with, as we found several points of damage, including scratch marks. As the investigation is still open, I am not able to disclose many details, although we ask the public to come forward should they have any information.”

The newly appointed Deputy Aurorlock has expressed that the Ministry will continue to search for the culprit in order to bring justice to the people involved.

As the Ministry continues to investigate the circumstances behind Mr. Smith’s death, the Aurorlocks urge the community of the wizarding world to remain away from the scene and to stay safe whenever they are out, as the culprit behind this attack may still be on the loose. The Daily Diviner would like to thank all of the hard-working Aurorlocks who are tirelessly working to bring light to the truth and will continue to keep you updated on the situation. Until next time!
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