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The Daily Diviner - Issue 111

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Server Spotlight


Pride Festivals of the Past
Written by Silquer
Edited by Immites

Hello, my dear readers, and welcome back to the Daily Diviner. At last, Pride Month has arrived! The dawn of June 1st brings with it rainbows, flags of all kinds, and community events worldwide. For Potterworld, this means the return of the Pride Event, a beloved celebration on Potterworld that has taken many forms over the years. Let’s take a look back at some of the past events while we await the brand new adventures this year’s Pride Event will surely provide!

Starting with last year, students traveled to Portovenere for Potterworld’s 2023 Pride Event. The beautiful coastal town of Portovenere was the perfect site for Potterworld’s Pride celebrations. Not only was the town filled with accepting and supportive people, the port lent itself well to being decorated in countless flags and colors. Some quests from this event included setting up flags all across the wide town to helping out with a certain colorful quest.

I adore this location; Portovenere is a sight to see, and I have never grown tired of wandering the streets and finding new locations in this surprisingly large build. The rewards from last year’s event were also a highlight for me, from the many different banners and decorative heads to the collectables available.

Going back another year, Potterworld’s 2022 Pride Event had students stay at Iris Cove, another lovely coastal town known for its distinctive districts. Each district corresponded to a different color that had a special meaning to the Pride flag, and as students completed quests around Iris Cove, they discovered these meanings. This event most notably introduced the Canvas Coordinator activity, a personal favorite of mine that focuses on memorization of a long pattern of colors. There were also repeatable side quests in every district, each tailored to fit the color they represented. Plushies and bracelet collectables were available, and I still have mine stashed safely away to this day!

Iris Cove is a beautiful location, from its docks and boats to the vast coastline to explore. Its colorful districts are certainly a sight to see as well, and the boardwalk in the front of the town made for some vibrant sights. Due to this and its engaging repeatable side quests and activity, Pride Festival at Iris Cove remains one of my favorite events.

Finally, Pride Festival 2021 took place in our very own Diagonal Lane and the adjacent Carket Market. The entire lane was redecorated to match the Pride season; bright colors and banners were a must. This celebration focused specifically on a Pride parade through Diagonal Lane, and students were tasked with helping prepare. Students could also create a majestic Pride Staff wand appearance! Quests included helping with floral arrangements, helping out with a special proposal, and even decorating floats!

This event truly brought all students together to celebrate LGBTQIA+ and the community that surrounds it, and doing this in the form of a parade in Diagonal Lane was very special. Overall, it was a wonderful event that holds a special place in my memories.

Pride events have certainly been varied through all of the years. However, the core of the events have remained the same: love, self-expression, and support will be a part of Potterworld Pride forever. I cannot wait to enjoy the next Pride Event with students, and I hope you are as excited as I am. Have a happy Pride!


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The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Event of the Decade
Written by snotflower
Edited by littledead

Hello readers, and welcome back to the Daily Diviner! May 18th was Potterworld’s 10th anniversary, which was a momentous occasion for all players, even prompting a speech from Headmaster Droobledore himself! Alongside this, the Anniversary Event was released, with plenty of exciting things to do over the next month. In this article, we’ll look at some of the key aspects of the event, including quests, activities, rewards, and more!

To begin the event, players must visit each of the six schools and take a bite-sized tour, learning about their values and exploring the various architectures. Each school has hosted past Winter Waltz Events, meaning they are nostalgic to some and brand new to others! As someone who joined the server in 2021, I never had an opportunity to explore Beauxbois or Dormunstrad in detail, so it was fascinating to view these enormous builds up close.

After seeing each school, players recieve two letters in the mail, inviting them to join one of the schools for the duration of the event! This includes new prefixes and colors in chat, and decides who you will be competing for when gathering School Spirit.

The event comes with leaderboards aplenty, the most important being the boards that track the top five players from each school as well as the total School Spirit collected. The winning school gets an exclusive particle effect, while those who come in first on each school’s leaderboard will receive the Droobledoll Hat, a highly coveted and rare item! Though this competition gives the event a stressful edge, it also serves to liven it up and make it far more exciting than it would have been without.

The bulk of the event revolves around the side quests. There are seven 12-hour quests and 40 daily riddles that take players all over the hub and various schools. My favorite side quest is Gem Hunt, which has you running through different cave systems to discover new gems. The trickiest one is Where’s Wendy. It looks deceptively easy but proves to be quite the challenge, making players look for Wendy, who hides amidst other students.

One of the most unique activities is Order Up, a speedy five-minute activity where players must work together to cook, serve, and clean for hungry École du Monde Occulte customers. Teamwork is crucial here, as each task has its own strategy and skills needed. I adore this system and have found myself actively anticipating each next Order Up. Working with fellow players to achieve the highest score possible is exciting, and it serves as a fun bonding activity with others. Shout-out to veggie soup, which has somehow become my main recipe—at this point, I could make it in my sleep.

Though the side quests are what I consider to be the highlight of the event, there is plenty more to do in between. Every school minigame has made a return, which includes parkours, mazes, elytras, and ice skating courses of various difficulty. Alongside this are six classic Hogsworth minigames that unlock special rewards from the past, such as old spells and a unique banner. Though these minigames can be quite tricky, completing them is immensely satisfying.

As for rewards, there are plenty! For each quest and Order Up completed, players earn one Choco Hops card, which represents a different event from Potterworld’s past. There are four card rarities with 90 cards to collect altogether.

There are also tons of new collectables, banners, and heads to purchase using Event Tokens. One of the most unique rewards is an Anniversary housing scenery, which features a giant Droobledore looking over you. Though some might find it creepy, I love the scenery and wasted no time purchasing it. Now, my housing feels adequately festive and in-theme with the event!

Overall, the Anniversary Event has proved to be a giant success, bringing players closer together and helping us appreciate the wonderful community Potterworld has cultivated over the years. If you haven’t played it yet, I highly recommend it. The event ends July 13th, so there is still plenty of time to check it out! Thanks to everyone who worked on it, and thank you for reading! Have a magical day!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

The Haunted Shack and Toys Galore
Server Spotlight
Written by Silquer
Edited by snotflower

Hello, my dear readers, and welcome back to the Server Spotlight column of the Daily Diviner. Several issues ago, we spoke with some second-year students about creepy arachnids and a student’s first journey to Hogsend. With access to Hogsend comes a plethora of new adventures and people to help. Here is my account of speaking to some students about what there is to do in Hogsend!

In the snowy outskirts of Hogsend is the Haunted Shack, a spooky abandoned house infamous among Hogsworth students for its creepy exterior and haunting noises. Well, I was told by a second-year student that not all of these noises are real. In fact, they were the ones who helped spook a group of third-year students! They even had the chance to show off their piano skills by playing haunting melodies to scare away the students. How mischievous! What a spooky adventure! If I had been one of those frightened students, I think I would have stayed away from Hogsend forever.

Thankfully, we are in luck, as it is time to move onto a more cozy quest. Back in the safety of Hogsend, I heard from another second-year student that they encountered a young couple about to adopt a child, but had forgotten something important: toys! The student wasted no time in finding Tobias’ Toys and Plushies, a quaint store in Hogsend that I love to visit for its kind owner and great selection. As a plushie collector, I can confirm there is no better place to buy stuffed creatures. The student was able to create a plushie from scratch, which sounds like such fun. I am sure the lovely couple was happy to receive help from this student!

Second-years are lucky, getting to meet so many different people from so many different places. Hearing about the Haunted Shack and the unfortunate third-year students was definitely more silly than scary, and one entertaining story! It also never fails to make me proud to hear a Hogsworth student helping out any people in need of some assistance, like the couple about to bring a new member into their family.

I remember my time as a second-year and helping out all kinds of people, and this is certainly a sign for you to go explore Hogsend for yourself if you have not already. There is so much to see and many people to assist. You most definitely will not be bored, just like these second-year students. I hope you are inspired to branch out and explore; happy travels!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Adopting A Magical Pet
Written by Creme_de_Creme
Edited by LMNJ

Hello lovely readers! Have you ever had an interest in owning your own magical pet? As your parents may have told you, there is a lot that goes into pet ownership. If you think reading entire books on the subject of selecting magical pets has become too tedious, do not fret! I have done the research myself and am prepared to share with you the results in a condensed, easy-to-read way!

Step #1: Selecting a Magical Pet
When considering a pet that is right for you and/or your family, there are a handful of things you need to think about. For example, what will be the purpose of your pet? Do you need one to guard the house? For emotional support? To assist with gardening? Additionally, you need to consider the age of all family members in the home. Some pets that tend to be more dangerous or require complicated handling may need to be raised in a household without any young witches or wizards. Consider, if you already have pets in the household, will that pet try to attack the pet you want to get? Do you have all the necessities needed to care for the pet such as food for its average diet? These are all very important questions you must ask yourself before continuing to the next steps!

Step #2: Adoption Center
Bring along as many family members as possible (including pets)! Make sure that the pet you select gets along well with your existing family before bringing it home. It could be disastrous if you end up with a new pet that is allergic to your current pet, or vice versa!

Step #3: Ministry of Magicians
Check the danger level of the pet. Is this pet truly right for you? If so, make sure you register your selected pet with the ministry! All pets must be registered for the safety of all wizards, including yourself.

Step #4: Bringing Your New Pet Home
Make sure to prepare the area it will be regularly living/sleeping/eating in! Additionally, stockpile the food it regularly eats. You may want to purchase some books regarding proper care and training in order to ensure a smooth transition into your household. Don’t forget to name your newest pet!

If you are looking for pet adoption centers, there are a few right here in London such as our Mandrake Adoption Center and even a Cat Adoption Center! If you are looking for books on the Care of Magical Creatures, I would suggest researching either in the Hogsworth Library or in Boundless Books in Diagonal Lane. I wish you all the best in your search for the best magical pet for you! This has been Creme_de_Creme reporting for the Daily Diviner.
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