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The Daily Diviner - Issue 126

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Server Spotlight


2024 - A Potterworld Year in Review
Written by Silquer
Edited by snotflower

Hello, my dear readers, and welcome to the first issue of 2025! This year is now well under way, but 2024 is still fresh on the mind. Besides major events and updates, there are some changes that may have passed under the radar this past year. Here are some that are still worth logging on and checking out!

This big change was hard to miss, but in case you need a reminder, Echoes of the Past released in mid-April. Already, it is hard to imagine Potterworld without it! The world minigames update introduced three brand new questlines with an intriguing story that follows the Serrano family and the mysterious Echoes. These quests introduce players to the minigames scattered across the map. With 15 parkours and 5 mazes to discover, minigames have never been more exciting.

If you’re not in the dueling community, you may have missed the return of the 9 Hells Gauntlet from 2023’s Halloween Event, or perhaps you were too low a level to participate sooner. Announced in July, the 9 Hells Expansion featured the release of this intense gauntlet and its associated bosses. You can join by finding Larissa Morgan in the Riddleyard Graveyard. You may want to gather some friends to brave this challenge, and if you are not level 71 yet, now is the time to start questing and unlock the gauntlet!

If you’re the type to avoid Wizard’s PE, you’re not alone. Many players are intimidated by the long parkour maps and difficult jumps. However, there is no better time to overcome your fears than now! WizPE received a major update in early October last year with quality of life changes and new maps that are sure to make your parkour experience enjoyable (even if it is difficult)! Six new maps were introduced to the class, and I highly recommend taking as many WizPE classes as possible to see them all.

The Scribe team has been hard at work throughout the year creating wiki pages for players to enjoy, but you may have missed their contributions throughout the year. The new pages and edits added to the Wiki in October are wonderful resources, so don’t miss out on taking a look! You may just learn something new. Lots of character pages were added for those curious about the NPCs around the world, and pages on old events were added that are great for reminiscing! Notably, the Dueling Halls has its very own page with helpful information.

Discoveries are my favorite way of exploring the world! They are full of world-building blurbs and interesting quotes that add depth to the places players can explore. In December, an update was released which added 109 new discoveries, a category for characters, and seven new shops. If this interests you, you will need to go out and discover them on your own!

I hope this shed some light on a few of the updates of 2024 that you may have missed. If you want to be a part of the team that makes Potterworld tick, applications are open for most departments. All applications are welcome (especially for our very own Daily Diviner team)! Make sure to check out these updates if you have not already (or revisit them if you have) and have a magical week!


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The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Are the Hogsworth House-Elves Treated Poorly?
Written by autumnngrace
Edited by littledead

Greetings, witches and wizards of Hogsworth. In a place like Hogsworth, you expect the house-elves to be treated with care, and in this article, I will be determining whether they are or are not being treated right. In addition, I have an interview set in place with the head house-elf in the kitchens to further determine my answer. Without further ado, let’s go!

To start with, everything in the castle seemed normal, until I began to descend the stairs toward the kitchens only to find five house-elves standing on each other’s shoulders. The house-elf on top seemed to look frustrated. He was trying hard to straighten a painting that had become crooked, but every time he tried to fix it, he ended up making it worse. The house-elf on the bottom looked as though he was finding it exceedingly difficult to keep his knees from buckling under the weight of four other house-elves.

As I continued walking down the stairs, I heard a bit of commotion down one of the corridors, so I picked up my speed to see what was going on. When I peeked my head around the corridor, I saw a Serpent student yelling at a house-elf for running into him. The moment I went to intervene, however, a prefect gave the Serpent detention for disrespect and sent him on his way.

I was nearly late for my scheduled interview with the head house-elf in the kitchens, but I made it just in time. I shuffled toward the house-elf and was greeted with a stern and quick, “Alright, let’s get on with it, then. Quickly! There’s barely any time before the grand meal, and I’m running this place.”

Startled, I nodded and frantically grabbed my notepad, where I looked for the page that had the questions on it. “Ah yes, found it. Sorry. What does a day here in the castle typically look like for you?” Quickly, the house-elf began marching towards a door on the other side of the room. When he opened the door, I saw beds stacked on top of each other on both sides of the room.

“I wake up here, I freshen up in the bathroom down there, and then I make sure all the house-elves are doing their jobs to ensure breakfast and dinner get out on time. That’s about it.” Is what the house-elf had answered, which I had found quite sad. I suppose you get used to it if it’s all you know.

My next question sort of asked itself after his last answer. “Do you like it here?”

The house-elf seemed to think for a few moments before answering, “Well, yes, I suppose I came to enjoy it. It isn’t a movie star life, but it’s mine, and I feel pretty content in it.” He then proceeded to bark out a few orders at some of the other house-elves. I believe he said something about burnt lettuce? I am not sure.

“Okay, last question, I promise! In your experience, is there anyone here who treats you more poorly than others?” I watched as the house-elf shifted positions, stretching his legs. He shrugged and said, “I mean, the Serpents will almost always be the ones treating you badly. That’s what they learn to do. It doesn’t bother me anymore since I have gained quite a bit of respect by chuckin’ em’ on dish duty and giving my house-elves a rest.” I nodded, thanked him for his time, and left the castle.

Now that I am sitting at my desk writing this, I hope that your main takeaway from this article is that house-elves should be treated better. As always, thank you for tuning in to the Daily Diviner, where our dedicated team of writers and editors are committed to delivering you the latest news of the wizarding world. Bye bye.

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Magical Careers - Magizoologist
Server Spotlight
Written by MintyEagle
Edited by Calliequeen

Welcome to the Server Spotlight column of the Daily Diviner, readers. Nowadays, there are more job options than ever before, and even more with magic involved. However, it may be overwhelming trying to choose a career path that is right for you. No need to fear, since we are here to cover all different choices, from Magical Criminalist to Wizarding News Broadcaster. In this edition, we will be covering Magizoologists!

Magizoologists study magical creatures and their behaviors. They usually do this to educate the public and convince them that beasts should be protected and not used for profit. In order to study them, Magizoologists will go out to their natural habitat and mark down their characteristics. This career path is good for those with a passion for animals and the desire to conserve them for future generations.

If this job entices the reader, they will be working on their feet outdoors and will get to travel often. Going into magizoology can be very dangerous, as creatures are unpredictable. Even then, they would get the chance to make lifelong bonds with the animals they meet and make an effort for them to live long and happy lives.

The steps to becoming a Magizoologist are only slightly off course for the average wizard. It is incredibly useful to take Magical Creature Studies courses to get a basic understanding of the sort of creatures that are in the known magical world. Otherwise, one can take care of housepets before they pursue larger creatures.

In a day and age where it is impossible to avoid work, one might as well seek pleasure where they can. Everyone is different, and they require different things from their jobs. As we cover a wide range of career paths, hopefully readers can find one that they would enjoy. Until then, thank you for reading the Daily Diviner, and have a magical day!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

New Year's Resolutions!
Written by whoohoo
Edited by snotflower

Hello readers and welcome to this issue’s Lifestyle article! Today I will be writing about New Year’s resolutions and possible ones you could add to your list! Some of these are my personal ones from this year or in the past, while others are new ideas. Let’s dive in!

We’ll start with school work and studying. Everybody wants good grades for Potions or Herbology class, but neither of these classes are the easiest to conquer. I know that from first-hand experience! Studying helps with getting good grades, as does taking notes during class instead of getting distracted and coming up with ideas for pranks. Thus, the first resolution is to focus on your studies more this year, which is always good to do no matter the class or study!

Next, we have a resolution that I think sports fans will love, especially if you enjoy Quabbleball. Who doesn’t love watching a game? Or even better, playing it? I know I like to! I’ve never been the most athletic person at Hogsworth, which is why my New Year’s resolution for last year was to try out for my house’s Quabbleball team. It is a good resolution if you are trying to find a new hobby or step out of your comfort zone! I highly recommend it!

Pets, who doesn’t love them? I for sure love the free cuddles from my cat, and I always enjoyed taking walks with the family dog. Your pet becomes such a great friend and teaches you responsibility as well! For those who are interested in getting a pet, I recommend looking to adopt one. For new pet owners it could be a great way to learn how to take care of one! I am also sure that the Groundskeeper will answer any questions about taking care of animals and creatures alike. Maybe you could start a club based on this with fellow students?

Hogsworth rarely sits still, especially during special holidays throughout around the year. It is one of my favorite activities that I will be covering today: the trips to other schools and places. It is exactly that feeling of adventure, curiosity and excitement that will have me packed and ready to travel each time one is around the corner! Trips help you learn about different customs, cultures and more! If you have never been on one, have you ever considered why not? I can promise you it is worth it!

Thank you all for reading this article about New Year’s resolutions. I hope you found one you’d like to try out this year or one for your list next year. I would love to hear all about it! Mine is to focus more on my studies. What’s yours?
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