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The Daily Diviner - Special Edition: Breaking News #1

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Hello dear readers! It’s been quite some time since I’ve brought you news after the fall of Grux and the aftermath of the Battle of Grimlotts. Since then, I have been exploring the countless isles, in search of a new story to chase. After several months of investigations, I seem to have come across an anomaly like no other.

Ever since a certain Jane Doe appeared in Merlin’s Magical Hospital, I’ve been eager to sit down and chat with her. Alas, both the Ministry and the Hospital have grievously denied my requests- much to my dismay. Although I could not get a chance to consult with this Jane Doe, I have heard rumors spreading that several students had the chance to converse with her- though their anonymity has kept me from speaking with them as of publishing. The only piece of information I could get out of anyone was that when she initially arrived at the hospital, she kept saying one word over and over - “Woodshire”.

The weeks since that discovery have been filled with extensive research, visiting various libraries across the British Isles, searching for this word, but to no avail. That being said, along my journey, I did discover various clues as to some sort of larger puzzle I believe to be connected to this whole enigma. The first one I spotted was on a route heading north out of London. I later found another three strange items to the north of the Emberskins, in various crevices and peaks of the mountains.

I fear something strange may be afoot. An ancient curse? Cyclops? Mordred back from the dead? Only time will tell, and dear reader, I fear we’re running out of it.


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