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The Daily Diviner - Special Edition: Kalphos

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Hello lovely readers! As I walked down the hallways of Hogsworth this week, everyone seemed to be talking about the same thing: Valentine’s Day! Who is the cutest couple? Who do you ask to be your Valentine? Where will we be traveling this year to celebrate the special occasion? Do not fret, for Headmaster Droobledore has proclaimed that we will be visiting Greece! Some of you may remember, from your studies, the ancient gods of Greece that rule over the land and sea. This Valentine's Day you will meet the ever familiar goddess of love, Aphrodite!

Who is Aphrodite? Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty! You might know her from the golden apple fiasco with Hera, Athena, and Paris. I had the pleasure of interviewing Aphrodite herself to get some insight on the event ahead!

Hi there Aphrodite! Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Why hello there, darling! Of course I can. I am Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. It's that time of year where love is all around. Don’t you just love love?

Yes! Hogsworth students are super excited to meet you! Is there anything that you recommend that they check out while they are here?
Besides looking in a mirror? I think they would really enjoy solving the mazes, hopping through our parkour courses, and trying to reach the bottom of our droppers. Besides that, you’ll just have to explore the mainland and a few of its sister islands. Although, I would be careful. You might run into some of my relatives out there, and you know how they can be…

Thank you so much Aphrodite!
You're welcome! I am utterly thrilled to meet these students. I’m positive that they are all as lovely and gorgeous as… well, nearly as lovely and gorgeous as myself. Please be sure to send them my way when they arrive! I would love to meet them personally.

Will do, Aphrodite! You heard her. What are you waiting for? If you haven’t asked your friends already, make sure you find someone to go meet Aphrodite with! I can already tell it is going to be an unforgettable experience, to say the least. In the meantime, have a lovely day! This has been Creme_de_Creme reporting for the Daily Diviner.


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The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Hello lovely readers and welcome back to the Daily Diviner! Did you know that the first oracle in Greek mythology is said to have originated all the way back to 2000 BCE? And with the Valentine's Day Event taking place in Greece, now seems like the perfect time to learn all about how oracle’s fortune readings work and even look at a few predictions of our own.

Before we can rush forward into predictions though, it’s good to take some time and learn about what exactly an oracle is and how their predictions work. In Greek mythology, oracles were seen as messengers from the gods, who were said to receive prophecies about the future. Prophecies and advice were given to those who came and asked the oracle different questions about the future or how events would turn out. These prophecies were often given in the form of riddles for the receivers to decipher.

Of course, a good way to understand oracle fortune tellings better is to look through and analyze some examples for ourselves! So today, we will be going through a prediction for each of the four Hogsworth houses during the event.

To start with, Griffins can expect to have their hands full with adventures! They will be able to move forward through exciting times in challenging quests, intense games, and other captivating challenges across the event. They will also have plenty of opportunities to help their loved ones to persevere and to share their ambitions for the event with others. No matter what happens, there will be grand new adventures awaiting Griffins on the island.

Badgers participating in the event should expect both new and familiar faces! Throughout the event, Badgers will get the chance to meet new people and make new friends. Not only will Badgers get to explore experiences with new friends throughout the event, but they will be able to reconnect and spend time with old friends, too. Overall, Badgers should expect plenty of quality time with new and old friends during the Valentine’s event.

Serpents who are taking part in the event can expect interesting new opportunities. Throughout the Valentine’s event, Serpents will be able to uncover new experiences through different quests, activities, and more. Through the experience they gain, they will be able to add several new tools to their arsenal that should prove useful back at Hogsworth.

Last, but certainly not least, Ravens who attend the event should expect new learning opportunities throughout the event, either by exploring their surroundings, gaining understanding of the island’s inner workings through quests, or even just having fun with friends on the island! Wherever they go, they will find new information waiting just around the corner.

Clearly the oracles have predicted that the event will be a truly thrilling time for each of the houses! So, what do you think? Do you think the prediction the oracle left for your house is going to come true? Like always, thank you for stopping by the Daily Diviner, and have a magical time at the Valentine’s Day event!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Daily Diviner’s Special Edition! Today you will be taking part in a quiz that will tell you which Greek god or goddess you most resemble. With that being said, let’s get into it!

Welcome to Mount Olympus, home of the gods! Where is the first place you’re hanging out?
A. I’m going to the heavenly library.​
B. I’m hanging out on the throne.​
C. I’m hanging out on a cloud.​
D. I’m hungry, so I’m hanging out by the buffet table.​

What were you like growing up as a child?
A. I was very smart for my age.​
B. I was standoffish as a kid. It made it hard to know me.​
C. I constantly had a crush on someone.​
D. I was always on the hunt for an adventure.​

If you had to pick a mythological creature that matched your personality, what would be your choice?
A. The half-man, half-horse Centaur.​
B. The three-headed dog, Cerberus.​
C. The majestic Unicorn.​
D. The beautiful sounding Siren.​

When a god begins to bicker with you, how do you handle it?
A. I use logic to debate them until they have to see that I’m right.​
B. I would stay silent, because knowing I’m right is enough.​
C. I would try to maintain composure and treat them with kindness.​
D. I would bicker back until they lose.​

What is the most awful thing about being a god?
A. Knowing more about the world than anyone else.​
B. Living forever when nothing else seems to.​
C. Not being able to fall in love with a mortal.​
D. Having too many responsibilities.​

Choose an offering/gift to leave to the gods.
A. A hand-written note dedicated to them.​
B. A pile of gold.​
C. Various plants and flowers.​
D. A fur rug crafted from my most recent hunt’s bounty.​

What’s a practical godlike power you’d like?
A. The ability to go back in time and change one big mistake.​
B. Never having to sleep. Always being fully rested.​
C. The ability to eat and never gain weight.​
D. The ability to control the elements.​

Now that you have taken the quiz, it’s time to find out which Greek god or goddess you are!

If you chose mostly A’s, you are Athena, Goddess of Intelligence. You are wisdom personified, a graceful deity of unbelievable composure, fact, and brainy know-how.

If you chose mostly B’s, you are Hades, God of the Underworld. You are criminally misunderstood, and a mysterious force of nature. You enjoy lurking where others fear to tread.

If you chose mostly C’s, you are Aphrodite, Goddess of Love. You exude radiance and coy playfulness without even trying. You love with ease and make everyone in your presence feel special.

If you chose mostly D’s, you are Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt. You’re at home in the woods, blanketed by the shadows and the promise of adventure. While you’re committed to friends and family, you appreciate time alone as well.

Well, that concludes today’s Greek god or goddess quiz! I hope that you had fun taking part in it and are happy with your results. This has been Ivy_Bell reporting for the Daily Diviner.

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Hello wonderful readers and welcome to this Special Edition of the Daily Diviner! With the new release of the Valentine’s Event, you will definitely want to fit in to all of the fun Greek festivities. Whether it be something as simple as a headpiece or as extravagant as a full outfit, here are a few things you can add to make an exceptional skin for the upcoming event.

Peplos and Chiton
Two of the more popular Greek fashion staples are peploses and chitons. They are both long tunics that hang down from your head to your toes with a pin that holds each shoulder of the tunic in place, although a chiton is slightly shorter. They usually have woven belts and sashes to create a majestic and royal vibe! Usually Greek goddesses wear them with jewelry such as earrings, rings, and necklaces.

Chlamys and Himation
On the other hand, if you want a more complex outfit, you could try making a chlamys or himation. A himation cloak is usually worn as a garment that wraps around the lower body like a skirt, then comes up over the left shoulder. Similarly, a chlamys is a smaller, woolen cloak. It is draped over the left shoulder and pinned over the right shoulder. Both of these outfits tend to be a bit more masculine, but they can be worn by anyone!

Laurel Leaves
With lots of unique outfit designs to choose from, you have to remember your accessories! Laurel leaves are one of the more famous pieces that the people of ancient Greece wear. Laurel leaves are the “crowns” of the Greeks; they are considered very prestigious. They also symbolize victory, as they were often given out to winners of sporting events. This crown starts at the back and wraps around the sides of your head but is left open at the front. They come in a variety of colors such as gold, silver, or green!

As funny as it may sound, one of the most commonly worn shoe styles in ancient Greece was sandals! Their sandals were open-toe and woven out of leather and other soft materials. Whether it is for regular housework or going out and about, these comfortable shoes are suitable for any occasion. For some extra flair, you can add cool designs, like small dots or triangles, adding extra pieces that wrap around with the straps, or even carving in small symbols or pictures!

Those are just some of the fun outfit ideas you can use to make your skin extra special for the Valentine’s Day event! You can either try to make your own skin or try asking for a commission on the Potterworld website or Art Discord. As always, I hope everyone has a great day; this is Keira signing off!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

The young woman frolicked through the meadow, only stopping to pick up silvery-white flowers and weave them through her hair. Busy enjoying the warm summer weather, she didn’t notice a girl from across the meadow, watching her twirl around from behind the old willow tree.

The two couldn’t be more different: she was as bright as day, golden locks shining under the sun and eyes as blue as the sky, while the girl who hid in the shadows had empty, soulless eyes and hair as black as the night.

The girl crept through the flowers until she was in earshot of the girl. “Hello,” she called out uncertainly.

“Hello!” the young woman said, looking surprised but delighted nonetheless. “What is your name?”

“Hades,” she responded quietly. “I saw you dancing- you’re very beautiful—I mean, your dancing was very beautiful.”

“Thank you!” She stuck out her hand. “Persephone, it is nice to meet you Hades!” A thought seemed to occur to her, and she reached behind her head, took one of the silvery flowers out of her own hair and put it in Hades’ hair with a smile. “There! Now we match.”

Hades gave Persephone a smile and reached out her hand for Persephone to take. She always thought Hades was a man, since many of the gods referred to her as “King of the Underworld,” but something about her made Persephone unafraid.

◉ ◎ ◉​

As weeks passed, the meadow became a sanctuary for them. She knew that this was something her mother Demeter wouldn’t approve of; but something kept pulling her back to that same meadow.

One day, her mother’s voice rang from behind her as she was half way out the window.

“Persephone! Where are you going?” Demeter demanded, grabbing her daughter’s hand.

“I am not a child, Mother! What I do is my business!”

“I understand that, but I am more worried that you didn’t tell me you were sneaking away.”

“Because I was scared, I knew you would be upset if you knew I was with the King of the Underworld.”

“Hades? Do you know how dangerous she is?”

“I don’t care, she would never do anything to hurt me.”

“And how do you know that?”

“I love her, that is why!”

A look of fear stung Persephone’s face as her mother let go of her hand. She clenched her jaw tight and gave the girl a stern glare.

“That’s unacceptable! The king of the Underworld?! You can never be together. It won’t work out, I need you here, helping with Earth,” Demeter said anxiously.

Persephone shook her head and returned a glare to her mother. “You are a goddess, you will be fine without me!” she exclaimed with rage, and jumped through the window.

Persephone ran down to the meadow where Hades waited."Hades, my mom is being a moron," she said breathlessly, grasping the girl in a tight hug. "She doesn't think we should be friends, but I wouldn't leave you for the world. I know I've never said this before, but...I love you. You make me so happy, and I couldn't imagine never seeing you again. I know this is a lot to ask, but...could you take me to the Underworld? My mom has no power there; she couldn't separate us."

Hades stood still for a few moments, seeming to try and fully process Persephone's words. She blushed, and with a hesitant but loving smile said, "I love you too, Persephone, but are you sure you want to go to the Underworld? It is a very dangerous place.”

“I am!” she insisted, and with the snap of Hades’ fingers, the two girls vanished in thin air.

◉ ◎ ◉​

The now married and happy couple lived together in the Underworld for months, but there was a problem that occurred back on land that neither were aware of. Since losing her daughter to the Underworld, Demeter had stopped doing her godly duties. The Earth’s nature slowly began to die.

A loud crack interrupted a conversation between Hades and Persephone one day, and to their surprise, it was the King of the Gods himself.

“Hades, Persephone. We need to talk,” Zeus said, his voice echoing through the room.

“Zeus? You never come to visit?” Hades asked, confused.

Zeus grumbled before continuing, “Demeter is angry. People are starving without any food. All the nature on Earth is dying because of you.” He glared at Persephone. “Without nature, there are no crops, no trees, and I can’t find any more of my plant-based moisturizer! How do you expect me to keep this gorgeous face?”

“I didn’t mean for that to happen—I got upset with my mother and left, but…what can I do to fix it?” She turned slightly to her wife for some advice. “I want to stay with Hades, I can’t leave her.”

“You could try to apologize? She might forgive you.”

“Maybe eventually, but she wouldn’t forgive me that quickly…” Persephone paused to think. “What about pomegranate seeds?” She motioned over to a small pomegranate tree in the corner of the room. “If I eat five seeds, I will stay here for five months of the year, and live with my mother for the remaining seven.”

“That... could work, if that is alright with both of you...”

“I think it is a good idea. I still get to see Persephone, but not as much as I like.” Hades said, a hint of melancholy in her voice.

“I know, but I still get to be with you for almost half of each year, and I promise to stay in touch.” Persephone gave Hades a small smile and wrapped her arms around her in a long hug.

With that, Persephone ate the five pomegranate seeds and left to make things up with her mother. Following this, the seasons began. When winter occurred, Persephone would be with Hades in the Underworld, and during spring and summer, she would be with her mother on Earth.

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

“Cynthia, come on now, wake up!” Ophelia shook the smaller girl in the bed in front of her, sighing as the girl made an unintelligible noise and rolled over onto her side.

“Fine! I’ll go to the third trial by myself then.” Ophelia stood up, making her way over towards the dorm door, slowly pulling it open. “I’ll see you later,” she called out, making a large show of opening up the door and stepping one foot out the door.

“Wait! Wait! I’m getting up!” Cynthia jumped out of bed.

“See that wasn’t so hard, was it? Now, unless you plan to head to the trial in your pajamas, I suggest getting ready so we can head out.” And with that, Ophelia walked off, leaving Cynthia to get ready by herself.

. . .​

By the time the pair arrived at the arena, the five other remaining contestants had already arrived. At the center of their group stood Headmaster Caras, who greeted them with a wave of his hand.

“There you two are, right on time,” he said. “Now, as you are all already aware, you all will be competing today in a Magic Pankration duel. All seven of you will be sent into the arena to compete in a free-for-all battle, and the last person standing will be announced the winner. As you all know, your graduation is on the line, so do your best and good luck.”

Headmaster Caras turned and walked through the arena exit behind him, leaving the contestants to spread out.

“After the count of three, the duel shall commence,” Headmaster Caras announced, now located in the stands. “Three… two… one!”

Ophelia dropped into a fighting stance as the group sprung into action, studying her surroundings. Magic Pankration combined wandless magic with hand-to-hand combat, requiring constant focus. A surprise attack in the beginning could lose her the duel.

She extended out her arm as an upperclassman came running towards her. “Propulso,” she muttered, flinging him into the air. He landed hard on the ground but was already getting to his feet.

“Cascamorus,” the boy shouted, and a projectile hurtled towards Ophelia. She moved to the right, avoiding the arrow but stumbling in her haste. As soon as she was down, the boy dashed towards Ophelia and lifted his leg to deliver a kick to her ribs.

At the last moment, Ophelia shot her arm out, grabbing the boy's leg and dragging him down so that he collapsed on top of her. She locked her legs around his waist and twisted his arms behind his back, maintaining a steely grip even as he struggled. “Yield!” she gritted, applying a bit more pressure—a silent threat.

After a few more seconds of struggle, the boy gasped, “Fine! I yield!” She let him go, taking a moment to pant on the floor before pushing herself up.

Ophelia scanned the area. Only four contestants remained—her, Cynthia, and two others.

“Ophelia, watch out!” Cynthia cried out. Ophelia dove to the side, barely missing a bolt of lighting. In front of her stood Cynthia, dueling with another contestant. Ophelia was confused. Though the two of them were siblings, they were still competing, weren’t they?

She shook her head, focusing back on the matter at hand—there would be time for questions later. Ophelia sprinted over to the other remaining contestant, who seemed to be catching her breath. “Speculum,” she called out, sending multiple arrows shooting down towards the girl.

“Protellemo.” The girl looked up, forming a shield just in time.

Taking advantage of the girl’s distraction, Ophelia muttered “Flamonstrum,” igniting the grass around the girl, who scrambled back, eyes wide. “I yield!” Ophelia nodded, raising her hand once more to evaporate the flames.

She turned around. Only Cynthia remained. Ophelia took a deep breath. She had been prepared to face her little sister at the end of this competition—after all, Cynthia was just as talented as her—but that didn’t mean she would go easy.

A red spark that landed near Ophelia’s foot brought her back to attention. In the end, no matter who won and graduated, they would still be siblings. So Ophelia sprung into action, falling into a familiar rhythm of casting and dodging with Cynthia that so many hours of practice had developed. The pair danced across the arena, each trying to land a hit on the other.

The pair went back and forth, locked in a tie where neither side wanted to give in. Yet, the more ground Ophelia gained, the more she felt like she owed her sister. After all, she had warned Ophelia of trouble before. She studied Cynthia’s face, noting sad eyes staring back at her.

Ophelia stood still for a moment, letting herself be flung across the arena as she called out, “I surrender.”

Her sister stood in stunned silence as Headmaster Caras said, “I am pleased to announce, Cynthia is the winner of this month’s trials, and will be graduating from Magifaisteio!”

After a moment, Cynthia made her way across the arena, hand outstretched. Helping Ophelia off the ground, the sisters walked out of the arena hand in hand.

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Kalphos, the island of Aphrodite, was a small, beautiful piece of land jutting out from the sea, and a well-traveled destination for Hogsworth students during February. Partners strolled along the perfectly-kept paths of scattered stone, lone students scouted out the perfect places to bring a date, and one student made her way through the manicured grass in a desperate tizzy, short brown curls bobbing in the wind and a long black coat flying behind her.

She only stopped once she had entered a garden at the peak of the mountain, out of breath and panting into her knees. Sweat dripped from her face; Hogsworth was cold this time of year, but the island’s oddly comfortable climate wasn’t suited to her long overcoat and scarf. She wiped her sticky brow, caught her breath, straightened, and stared at the woman who sat before her.

It was Aphrodite, clothed in a faint pink gown of loose satin, one shoulder uncovered and the other draped with a falling veil. Her golden curls were crowned by flowers, and the student had the sudden urge to bow out of respect.

“Another seeking my advice?” Aphrodite asked. There was an amused lilt to her voice, as if she had asked that same question many times before.

The student nodded, determined. “Yes. My name is Elise, and I really need your advice.”

“And I’d be glad to give it if you’ve brought something of value to show your devotion. Come back when—”

Elise produced a small silver ribbon from her coat pocket and held it out between her thumb and finger. Aphrodite reached out a delicate hand, and Elise dropped the ribbon. She spoke as Aphrodite observed it carefully. “It was a gift from my best friend. It doesn’t seem like much… but it’s very important to me.”

“I see. Come sit, please.” Elise obliged, and Aphrodite continued. “I assume your advice involves this friend?”

“Yes. Her name is Nicole. I wanted to do something special for her, bring her to the island or something, just to show my love for her… it’s not romantic, but she’s my best friend, and I want a way to convey that. I’m just afraid she’ll take it the wrong way, and I have no idea how to show her.”

Aphrodite sat, contemplating, staring out into the wide blue ocean. She let out a hum and turned away from Elise. When she turned back, in her palms were two identical silver rings. She smiled softly at Elise, “If you trust her as much as you do, even if you stumble on your words, I think she’ll understand. Don’t you?” Elise nodded, relieved. “Take these,” Aphrodite said, dropping the rings into Elise’s waiting hands. “Rings are a common sign of platonic love, so there’s no shame in it at all.”

“Thank you,” Elise said, and she stood to leave.


Several hours later, Elise stood with Nicole at her side on the island’s cliffside. It was a secluded place, with a view of the sun setting over the sea. Elise looked sidelong at Nicole and fiddled with the silver rings in her pocket. Nicole looked utterly comfortable and happy beside Elise. Her heart swelled knowing the complete trust and ease with which they stood together.

Letting out a breath, Elise slowly drew out the rings and held them out in her hand. They caught Nicole’s attention, and Elise started speaking. “So… we’ve been friends for five years now, since I first came to Hogsworth as a second year, and I was wondering if you wanted to represent our friendship in a platonic way…” But Nicole was staring at her now, and Elise felt her previous speech fall away like the threads of a frayed string.

Desperately, she tried to pull them back together. “I don’t mean romantically or anything! But I heard some people represent their friendships through rings and such, and I thought it would be nice if, you know, we both…”

Elise watched in a little daze, stutters falling silent, as Nicole grabbed her hands, a dazzling smile playing on her lips.

“Of course,” was all she said, taking the silver ring that rested in Elise’s palm and placing it on her middle finger. She then slipped the other ring onto Elise’s hand, and all was right in the world again.

Elise quite nearly cried right then for the relief of it. She had spent so long in fear of what her friend would say, wondering if she would take the gesture the wrong way, if her wayward attempt at symbolizing her love for her friend would simultaneously result in the end of their friendship. But in all of that worrying, she had forgotten who she was dealing with: kind, funny, perfect Nicole, who was so loyal, such an amazing friend that she would bring the heavens to earth if Elise asked.

A tiny representation of their friendship was nothing compared to that love, Elise thought, even as Nicole stared in awe at the two little bands that now settled on their fingers.

Thank you, Aphrodite, Elise thought to the pink skies as she shared a perfect sunset with her greatest friend.

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

The island looks different, Nova thinks.

It had not been so idyllic the first time. Nearly bursting with tourists, the crowd had separated a lost Nova from her parents. In a panic, she slammed face-first into the woman.

Nova could not remember what she looked like. When she was younger, the woman was the spitting image of her mother, down to the freckles. Later in life, the woman was like a model—slim, with straight black hair and piercing blue eyes. Even later, as an adult, the woman settled somewhere in between.

Still, Nova always knew the woman in her dreams by the twinkle in her eyes.

“Are you lost, little one?” she asked, her voice as sweet as the roses in her hair.

“Yes,” Nova said in a small voice.

The woman smiled, the edges of her eyes crinkling as she murmured, “The heart requires aim to land true. What is it that you want?”

“To find my parents.”

“Then you will find what it is you wish for.” After brushing her lips against Nova’s forehead, she was gone.

Even though Nova had only been five, she never forgot the memory. She relived it in her dreams, and the woman’s words were echoed each time.

The heart requires aim to land true. What is it that you want?

The first time Nova came back to the island, she had whispered, “I want to see you again.”

Sensing that it would be some time before the woman woke, Nova lay down in the sand to rest.

Teenage Nova was plagued with uncertainties. When she was a child, goals were simple. A smile from her father, a cookie from her mother, a sticker from her teacher. But as the expectations of adulthood loomed, Nova had to answer what she wanted to do when she grew up.

She had not dreamed of the woman in a while, but one night, she found herself in a room of pure marble, Greek-style colonnades framing the familiar woman at the front.

“Are you lost, little one?” she asked, and Nova relaxed.

“Yes,” she replied.

With a wave of the woman’s hand, images flashed on the white wall behind her. Nova huddled in her father’s lap as he read aloud an article in the Daily Diviner. A year later, writing her first words, beaming with joy. Piles of unfinished manuscripts hastily tucked under a loose floorboard. Joining the newspaper club at Hogsworth and reading her name in the byline.

“The heart requires aim to land true. What is it that you want?”

“I want to be a writer,” Nova whispered.

“Then you will find what it is you wish for.”

Nova’s first published story was about a powerful witch who guaranteed success to those she blessed. The book performed poorly—critics cited the Mary Sue sorceress, a lack of substantial plot, and underdeveloped side characters—but she had written the story as thanks.

Yes, that was what she was here for. To thank the woman.

Waking with a start, she looked up to see the woman, though her features were almost out of focus. Her hair was brown in the sun, under a passing cloud, black. The breeze straightened her curls into waves of gold, then a curtain of black tresses. The only thing constant was the twinkle in her eyes, even as they changed from green to gray.

Nova had imagined this moment for years, but the only thing that came to her mind at that moment was—

“Why do you look like that?” she blurted, flushing at her stupidity.

The woman considered her. “I believe it is because you have matured, my dear. You have learned to love beyond appearance, and what am I beyond the embodiment of the heart’s desire?”

She speaks beautifully, Nova marveled. I cannot even understand her. “What is your name?”

“Most call me Aphrodite.”

“Like… the Greek goddess?”

“Something like that.”

“Aphrodite,” she began, the syllables awkward as she tried to meet the woman’s gaze. “Ever since I met you, my life has been… I don’t know how to describe it. Your advice has been so helpful… I can’t thank you enough for your blessing—”


“—I owe you… Yes?”

“I have cast no spell. I have given no modicum of magic to influence you. You have gone far, little one, and you will go further still without me.”

“What do you mean?”

“What is the saying? Three strikes and you’re out? Once when you were lost and looking for an answer. Twice when you found what you were searching for. Thrice at death, but I do not want that yet, my dear.”

Nova had wanted to disagree. This couldn’t be the last time—not when fame was a terrifying beast that loomed constantly. After several failures, Nova’s fourth novel had been a critical success, but she felt alone, worried, and in need of this woman more than ever.

But she could not disappoint Aphrodite. “Yes,” she mumbled as a tear slipped down her face.

“You need not worry, Nova. Remember my words and have faith in yourself.” And, brushing her lips against Nova’s brow, Aphrodite disappeared one last time.

You were right, Nova thinks. But I still miss you.

In the ten years since then, she has not dreamt of Aphrodite once.

“I want to see you again,” she whispers, but the woman never comes.
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