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The Daily Diviner - Special Edition: Saga of Skálds

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Hey, you’re finally here! Where have you been? Welcome to your frigid domain for the next several weeks– Galdrakademia. I got here last week with the rest of Beauxbois.

We started off in the same hypothermia-inducing cave-glacier-hole that you did. Isn’t it creepy? I decided to take our friends from Mahounoshiro and Dormunstrad into the tunnel to try and find the exit, but the unsettling atmosphere sent us flying back to the warmth of our temporary dormitories as soon as we found our first dead end.

Step through with me, and we’ll head to the right. That building at the top of the hill is the infirmary. That’s where I headed as soon as I was done with my tour. I was half-convinced that my fingers had frozen off!

Most of the first buildings you see are the classrooms. They are really cool, both figuratively and literally, so try and sit in on a class while you are here, but do mind the chill. I have no idea how the students here can stand walking through the billowing wind of the fjord between each class. I was hanging out with the kids from École du Monde Occulte, and they will barely leave their dormitories without four layers!

The Mythology classroom ahead of us is absolutely gorgeous if you get the chance to visit; there are artefacts spread throughout, and you can really tell how much they care about stories here.

On the other hand, the Wandlore classroom up ahead is my least favourite. Sitting in on my new Galdrakademia friends’ classes is already difficult enough with them switching into Mandarin and Old Norse, but the view in that classroom is literally blocked by a tree. I have no idea how they communicate with their professor around that behemoth.

The really important classroom on the right is ahead of us now: the History of Life classroom. Professor Brigitte is usually there, and I have to say as a Beauxbois student that she is absolutely stunning. It’s no wonder she leads students on the subject of life because she is brimming with it, just like her classroom. It is open-air, however, so critters of all shapes and sizes are always milling about in the heating charm’s warmth.

There are also dormitories past this classroom, but they’re halfway up the mountainside. I have to trek miles every time I visit a friend in their temporary accommodation, let alone the Galdrakademia students, who seem to have all taken over the uppermost dorms.

All the way at the bottom of these mountains is a stunning star-gazing platform that makes up for all of that silliness. We’ll have to get our group together for a family photo one of these days. It’s the best view on campus if you ask me, with those towering guardian statues and the boathouse across the way.

If you turn around with me, you can see where the Quidditch Pitch is– Oh, you can’t? That’s because it’s UNDER THE BLOODY MOUNTAIN! Not only do these half-frozen people hike from their homes each day, but they also keep their pitch in a cavern. It’s just as insane as it is delightful.

Let’s make our way to the other side. Ahead, there’s this huge cavern that I’ve only heard about from other students. It’s full of towering plants, and someone told me there’s a place where students go to duel. If that’s your thing, you should check it out, but there’s no way I’m going to head in there with my pollen allergies.

The History of Tragedy classroom is on this side, too. It’s marked by the gnarled, angry-looking dead tree beside it. Professor Elunore teaches there, and I have to say, their classroom is pretty spectacular.

The whole building teems with life despite the in-house graveyard and the Dark Arts classroom. It’s impressive how well the students here embrace mortality. Ever since I stepped in, I’ve wanted to live in these halls.

There are so many dimly lit study nooks and intimate private rooms spread throughout the building that one can hardly be surprised at the proposition of a romantic holiday rendezvous taking place here over the course of the waltz. I, for one, will be betting on it.

Up above, there are even more dorms, but we’ll pass them by to reach the Great Hall. Outside, there are the usual stands hawking goods for the students at the Winter Waltz, and through these doors, you’ll find their cozy hall. I was surprised by how small it was, but considering the student population, I suppose it makes sense. We’ll just have to get to know each other a little better, shoulder-to-shoulder.

If you squeeze past the throngs of students with me, though, you’ll get to see our last amusement: the library. Don’t trip down these stairs– the students here will never let you live it down. Isn’t it decadent? I think I might need to put in for a transfer just for this one room. The trickling water moving past is so peaceful, and the naturally hewn stones are so pretty I could cry!

But look at the time! We must hunt down the rest of our friends. The Winter Waltz hasn’t truly begun until we’re together again. Thank you for indulging me in this little tour.


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The Daily Diviner

New Magician
Welcome back to the Daily Diviner! If you have visited Galdrakademia, you will agree when I say it is quite the school. Exploring it is already a rewarding task in itself, but what about its unique history and culture? As a fellow Hogsworth student, I have taken it upon myself to discover all I can about the school! After all, ignorance is no aspiring learner’s friend. If you are as curious as I was, read ahead for some intriguing information about Galdrakademia!

Settled deep within Greenland is this fascinating school, which is said to be the oldest to ever exist! Thus, the magic within these gates is incredibly raw—while I will always love Hogsworth, our magic does not quite compare. At Galdrakademia, Yggdrasil, the tree of life, created the school in gratitude towards those who worked to protect it. Even teachers come from its roots!

Now, I am sure you are wondering why Galdrakademia has been closed for all these years. Originally, the school was open to everyone, but a dark wizard caused the Yggdrasil to shut itself off from outsiders in order to protect its students.

This is understandable—Hogsworth has had its fair share of dark magicians throughout its history, too. Though, I will note that we have managed to keep our doors open, which only goes to show the sheer magnitude of power the Yggdrasil has!

The selection process for new students is one of a kind. The Root of Yggdrasil chooses children at nine or ten years old by appearing to them in their dreams. If the child agrees to attend, their parent’s memories are wiped!

I must admit, the lengths Galdrakademia goes to keep it a secret are intense; it is hard to imagine not receiving an owl from my parents every few months. However, it does make sense, considering students stay at Galdrakademia until their graduation.

One fascinating aspect is that new students are given a seed that blooms into a nymph, who then accompanies the student throughout their entire school life. At first glance, I thought this would be a cute idea to incorporate at Hogsworth… until I learned that the nymph loses its life force as the student matures, eventually being returned to the ground when the student graduates.

Though I understand its purpose at Galdrakademia, I am not sure Hogsworth students could handle such responsibility. Maybe our cats and owls are enough…

For the curriculum at Galdrakemia, much of it is similar to Hogsworth! Wandlore, Potion Theory, and Transfiguration are all subjects that should be recognizable to anyone paying attention. Galdrakademia students are also taught three languages: Old Norse, English, and Mandarin Chinese!

While Hogsworth students use wands, those at Galdrakademia use a staff. Their knowledge is represented by the root bracelets they wear, which change color as their level of magic increases. For example, their first bracelet will be white, and a pale lavender bracelet means they have reached the highest level of magic.

After all this, you may be thinking that Galdrakademia sounds like quite a serious place. However, it is important to remember that despite its differences to Hogsworth, Galdrakademia students are still children at heart!

Students love reading and other creative practices, and there is a large theater program at the school. I was extra surprised to learn that students love pranks, which I am sure many of my Hogsworth peers can relate to. Maybe we can pull something off together!

I hope you have learned something new about Galdrakademia! This school is fascinating, and it has an incredibly unique history. Though I will always be partial to Hogsworth, Galdrakademia certainly has its own special qualities. Make sure to explore on your own and discover all you can! Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a magical day!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician
Welcome, readers, to the Saga of Skálds Special Edition. Temperatures are dropping during this holiday season, especially as we make our way to the chilly landscape of Galdrakademia in Greenland! You may be wondering, how exactly should I be dressing to combat this cold weather and still be stylish? Well, do not fear, for I have just the tips for this year’s fashion trends, inspired by our new friends at Galdrakademia!

The Galdrakademia uniforms are designed specifically for the climate of Greenland. Here, they experience frigid temperatures as the school rests on an icy fjord. As such, the uniforms are made of flax or wool to keep warm. Students wear either a tunic shirt or long dress with dark cloaks lined with fur. They show their individuality through their appearance and celebrate their magical progression by embroidering their uniforms with patterns. Students also always wear root bracelets that show their level of magic.

Now, moving on to the fashion tips! To start, some of the trending colors of the season are shades of brown, green, blue, gray, and white. For a base, try warm knit sweaters in simple patterns. Wear corduroy or wool pants in neutral colors or plaid if you would like a pattern. Then, add a layer for warmth with a fur jacket or chunky cardigan. For shoes, it is best to stick with black or brown boots, especially if you will be traversing through the snow!

Accessorizing is a great way to get creative and incorporate your own magic in your look. Add embroidery to your clothing just like the Galdrakademia students do to celebrate your achievements. You can also make your own special bracelets that symbolize your magical journey. Add different colored beads or charms with personal messages or meanings. Of course, you do not want to forget your hat and gloves! You can even pick up a new hobby and knit or crochet them yourself.

Perhaps the most important part of Winter Waltz is the dance! To match the Galdrakademia style, keep it simple and elegant. Try a long dress in a classic color like red, black, gold, or silver. Tailored suits or dress robes in dark blues or black work as well. If you get cold, you can always add a fur-lined cloak. Accessorize as you see fit with simple jewelry and charms that show off your personality. It is not too often that there is an opportunity to dress formally, so make the most of it!

The best thing to do with fashion is to experiment to find what works for you. Be creative and incorporate your personality into your look! You do not have to look or dress the same as everyone else either—be unique! These were just some basic tips to help you get started; take them and make your own style. Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful Winter Waltz!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician
Hello, my dear readers, and welcome to the Saga of Skálds Special Edition. During my time here at Galdrakademia, I have noticed that many students have pets of their own, just like at Hogsworth. Most common among them are wolves, cats, ravens, and dragons.

This begged the question: which companion is the best? This is what I set out to answer by interviewing four different Galdrakademia students with pets of their own.

The first student I found was easy to spot; with a great dragon flying overhead, they were impossible to miss. I was quick to approach them and ask about their majestic flying partner and why they are the ideal pet in Galdrakademia.
Dragons are so obviously the superior pet. Even setting aside how cool they are— and they are incredibly cool— you have to acknowledge just how wonderful of a companion they can be. Dragons are possessive, so they treasure you back like you’re their very own hoard. Not to mention, their fire-breathing comes in handy here in the frozen tundra. Me and my dragon are ride or die, and one day, I plan to mean that literally. I’ll take that over a mewling kitten or a quivering raven any day.

The bond between that student and their dragon is clear. Moving on, I found the next student in the library with a beautiful feline lounging beside them. I immediately approached and asked about their time together. I especially wanted to know what made these cats superior.
Norwegian forest cats have very long coats, so they thrive in cold climates, which is perfect for Galdrakademia. I personally make sure my room is cold for mine! Her name is Fluffy, for obvious reasons. I would say as a student, this cat is the best, as they typically have very patient temperaments. This is good since you’ll probably be out and about pretty often to classes and whatnot. Not to mention, you don’t have to keep them in a cage. I’d say if you like cats and don’t mind fur, you’ll love this pet!

Not long after, I found what I was looking for: a large wolf striding alongside a student. They walked in perfect sync and gladly answered my queries about wolves as companions and, of course, why the wolf is the best.
They say a wolf is a wizard's best friend, and for good reason! I mean, just imagine it: after a stressful day, you can always count on vigorous tail-wagging and joyful licks to cheer you up. Plus, you can teach it all sorts of fun tricks, which is perfect for showing off to your friends. Wolves are best for students who have lots of time on their hands and boundless energy to match. They're incredibly loyal and won't hesitate to protect you, no matter the circumstance. Wolves will truly be your greatest companion (don't tell my nymph I said that). If you're considering getting a wolf, I say go for it. You won't regret it!

The final student I interviewed actually found me first! I was walking beside the frozen river when a raven landed in front of me. Those intelligent eyes bore into mine, and the raven’s student appeared shortly thereafter. Perhaps the raven had seen me speaking with other students! Naturally, I then inquired into the nature of ravens as student pets.
Contrary to popular belief, ravens are excellent companions. Mine has never led me astray with her sharp eyesight and unwavering friendship. With a raven circling overhead, you’ll never fear being caught off-guard by monsters (or unwanted company) ever again. Additionally, ravens are incredibly intelligent and learn quickly. They can also be very friendly creatures if treated with kindness. If not, well… perhaps this pet isn’t the best for those types of people.

Which one is your favorite? I do not think I could choose between them; the students were quite convincing! I would like to thank the students for speaking with me about their pets. Each companion has their benefits and drawbacks; which did you think were best-suited to you?

Make sure to keep an eye out for these pets while you’re exploring and ask any Galdrakademia students about their wonderful partners. Have a happy Winter Waltz!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician
“Hi! Can I sit here?”

Kari startled. She’d been so engrossed in her studying that she hadn’t noticed anyone approaching—the library typically lent her peace and quiet away from people.

Glancing to the side, she saw a girl about her age with reddish hair and a wide smile, waiting for a response.

“Um,” Kari said nervously. “Sure, I guess.”

The girl was practically beaming. “Great! Thank you. I have so much studying to do.”

“Yeah. Me too.”

“You’re studying Wandlore, right? That class is tricky.”

Nodding, Kari looked towards the door. This was why she preferred to study alone. Small talk was not her forte, especially not with a stranger.

“Maybe you could help me,” the girl continued, not noticing Kari’s obvious disinterest. “I’ve been a bit confused on—”

Kari shut her book with a slam louder than she intended, earning a glare from the librarian. The normally comforting silence of the library now felt suffocating as she scrambled for a way to escape the conversation. “I just remembered. I… forgot to do something.” Weak, really weak, Kari.

But the other girl simply smiled. “Oh, okay! See you around!”

Pulling at her robes, Kari turned, trying to ignore the heat in her cheeks. Where would she even go? And why was that girl so… friendly? All she wanted to do was study Wandlore…

She was so deep in thought that she didn’t notice two nymphs peering through a bookshelf, whose giggles had quickly faded into sighs. “I really thought it would go better,” Minthe muttered, eyebrows furrowed. “Kari’s not usually so distant, I swear.”

“I don’t blame her,” Eudora whispered. “Astrid’s pretty outgoing, but that was pushing it, even for her.”

Minthe pursed her lips in contemplation. “Maybe the library wasn’t the best first meeting spot after all…”

“I told you so! It’s got to be somewhere more…” Suddenly, Eudora’s face lit up. “I’ve got it!” Leaning in, she grinned at the other nymph. “Here’s what we’ll do…”

Astrid had always liked taking walks in the winter. The snowy landscape always made her feel at peace. She bent down to add a frost-covered flower to her growing bouquet when she heard a yelp in the distance. Straightening up, she peered towards the sound, eyes widening when she realized it was a student who had fallen over on a nearby path.

“Are you okay?” she called out as she rushed to help. But her voice caught when she realized who it was.

“I’m fine,” the girl said, picking herself up and brushing off the snow on her coat. “Not much of a winter person, really— Oh.” She looked embarrassed. “It’s you.”

“You’re from the library, aren’t you?” Astrid asked. “I never caught your name.”

“It’s… Kari.” Bundled up in a thick coat with a hood and earmuffs covering her black hair, Kari’s face was flushed red.

“Nice to meet you,” Astrid breathed, nervous for some reason. “I’m Astrid. I’m glad you’re okay.”

Laughing softly, Kari glanced back up, rubbing at the back of her neck. “Thank you. I don’t really come out here much when it snows. Minthe—my nymph—suggested it.”

Astrid didn’t know what else to say. She was tongue-tied, a new feeling for her. A million thoughts were flooding her mind as she looked at Kari, all questions she wanted to ask to get to know the girl better.

But then she remembered the library and how quickly Kari had retreated. Scrambling for something else, Astrid looked down at the bundle of flowers she’d collected. “Here,” she blurted out, shoving them into Kari’s hands. “These are for you.”

Kari’s eyes widened as she took them. She looked out of a painting, snowflakes drifting around her, lit by the school in the distance. “Oh! Thank you. They’re beautiful.”

Her smile was all it took for Astrid’s heart to feel like it was going to jump out of her chest. She took a step back in alarm. “I’ve got to go,” she said, feeling a sudden sense of déjà vu. “I… forgot to do something.”

Before Kari could respond, Astrid was running in the other direction, trying to ignore the butterflies in her chest.

Over a nearby bush, Minthe and Eudora watched excitedly. “See, what did I say?” Eudora giggled. “That was perfect.”

Minthe rolled her eyes with a smile. “I’ve got to hand it to you—they really hit it off. But that was lucky. You have no idea how hard it was to convince Kari to leave her spot by the fireplace.”

“You said you had a final idea?”

Nodding, Minthe’s expression shifted to determination. “I do, but we’ve only got one chance to pull it off…”


The Winter Waltz was never a priority for Kari. Most years she skipped it in favor of studying; besides, she never had anyone to go with. For some reason Minthe had insisted Kari attend this year, even helping her pick out a dress.

Peering around the door, her heart was racing as she glanced over the crowd. There were countless faces, the majority of which she did not recognize. I can’t do this… she thought with a churning stomach.

She retreated back into the hall, hoping no one had seen her. She’d just go back to her room and spend the rest of the night alone—


That voice. She recognized it.

Looking back, Kari saw Astrid emerge from around the corner. “I knew it was you!” Astrid called as she made her way over. “Where are you going?”

Kari couldn’t bear to meet Astrid’s eyes, embarrassment washing over her. “I… was going back to my room. These dances just aren’t for me.”

“Oh. That’s okay.” Astrid gave her a reassuring smile. “It can be a lot to deal with.”

Kari nodded, a lump in her throat. She had the sudden urge to apologize, but swallowed it back, glancing down at Astrid’s dress. “You look lovely, by the way.”

“What a coincidence. I was going to say the exact same thing about you.”

Giggling, Kari knew she was blushing, but the need to run away had vanished. With Astrid, she wasn’t so scared anymore. “Thank you.”

“Hey, you hear that?” The girls fell silent. Sure enough, faint music could be heard from down the hall. Astrid reached out her hand. “Care for a dance?”

A few weeks ago, Kari would have refused. But tonight she took Astrid’s hand, and they began a slow dance, lit by peaceful moonlight.

“Don’t look now,” Astrid suddenly whispered with a grin, pulling Kari close, “but I think we’re being watched.”

From over Astrid’s shoulder, Kari saw out two nymphs peering around the corner and whispering to one another excitedly. Was that… Minthe? But before Kari could say anything, the nymphs were gone.

It only took her a second to connect the dots. All those meetings… Normally, she might’ve been upset, but looking back at Astrid only left her with gratitude. Perhaps this was exactly what she’d needed.

They danced long into the night.
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