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The People's Protest


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW
My name is Aviforma. You likely know me from the corrupt news coverage and vile trial I was forced to sit through with clearly nefarious officials. Normally, this sort of event would break down a man, but it has only bolstered my faith in the people. No longer are we simply protesting against the Ministry, but we're on the next level. Welcome to the People's Protest.

Firstly, let's clear some misconceptions. The Dark Followers are just as evil an organization as the Ministry. They destroyed the Aurorlock Manor, shedding some light on their terroristic tendencies. Not only did they do this with no reason other than their loathing of the Ministry, but they endangered the lives of thousands of innocents within Hogsend. At the very mention of protesting, the Dark Lord himself threatened me. And to finish it off, they clearly have violent tendencies. Who elects a leader in a brutal contest full of deaths and injuries? It's worrisome. We don't want them to be our governing body. Instead, I have a far better option for you.

If we cannot trust these officials to govern soundly, who will we? Us. That's right, we're going to govern ourselves. Instead of instating Democracy in pre-existing regimes, we'll build our own while simultaneously tearing down these false administrations. We can have an ideal government, which we have strived for and shed our blood for. Together, standing hand in hand we shall reform to the perfect union. If we place true, undying trust in each other we will be indomitable. No more corruption, no more evil. Instead we will have equality! Fair trials (thank god), fair laws, and the elimination of inequity.

Yes, I promise a bright future. Almost inattainably perfect, but I swear to you that if we stand together we will accomplish what we aim for. So, reach out to me on Discord (Aviforma#2582) and I'll provide you the invite to our main planning area. There, we will coordinate how best to achieve our goals.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: maddinq
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent VIP Werewolf SPEW
I’m not even a Dark Follower but you gotta watch your back Aviforma or else Lauren Strudel isn’t going to be the only one killed 🥱😯😠
at least they’ll stop blaming you for it


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Wizencouncil Class Helper SPEW Sr. Prefect
This sounds great!


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW
I am no longer the leader for the protest. I suggest you message Gunther#7602, as he has taken my position.