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The Recognition of the Werewolves - Recap 2

Nathan Nakamori

Notable Magician
The Recognition of the Werewolves - Recap 2
Written by Nathan Nakamori (Roleplay Team)
Date of Plot Point: August 25th, 2020
In the Daily Diviner, Breaking News #5 edition, there was an interview with the temporary Werewolf Alpha Alexa Larkspur. During the interview, Alexa Larkspur laid out some future plans for the Werewolves as a whole. The first one being to achieve anti-discrimination in the magical world. Going forward, there was a goal to organize the scattered Werewolves into a central location that would be called their home; somewhere any and all Werewolves would be themselves with no worry. It was a call to action against those still discriminating against Werewolves. The second part of the interview held questions about the new Chief Auralock, Matt Griffiths. Alexa asked the new Ministry appointee to give the Werewolves a chance to give a safer community to everyone. In return, the Werewolves could have been powerful potential allies to the Auralocks once organised. There was also hope that the Chief Auralock would respond to the protests that were taking place as he was staying quiet up to this point.