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The Weekly Owl ~ Edition 19: Battle of Grimlotts & Allegiance Elections


Minecraft IGN: x_Ivy
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Writer: x_Ivy
Editor: Compost__King

Hello lovely readers and welcome back to The Weekly Owl, we know it’s been awhile since our return but we are working on changing that. Last time we talked about our return and how The Weekly Owl worked, this time we bring you some news about what happened in roleplay that changed everything.

One of the biggest changes that faced our Wizarding World was The Battle of Grimlotts. Every allegiance leader faced off against Grux, but before that the leaders called upon each member to create barrier bombs to break into the vault of Joel Crestello. During this battle 3 lives were lost; Kade Everard, Chailey Selwyn and Casara Griffiths. These three people gave their lives so that we could end the fight with Grux. In the end, Joel Crestello stabbed Grux with a basilisk fang and Henry Chimera killed Grux with the Mortiavra spell. Right before Grux’s death, the ritual he was working on sent out a burst of magical energy, and former Chief Auralock Rani Lightwood lost her magic. She was almost forced to step down from her position, here’s what she had to say:

What was it like to step down as chief?
“Stepping down from Chief Auralock was a very hard and difficult decision I had to make. It wasn’t something that I had really considered going into the final battle as I’d only seen the outcomes as being death or surviving, but eventually it became one of the only options available to me. I had been with the Auralocks for so long - as a regular member, then as the deputy and chief. The idea of being anything other than an Auralock seemed like a very weird concept to me. Regardless though, I knew that I didn’t really have a choice in the matter, and so I packed up my things and finished the last remaining urgent paperwork. I experienced a lot of emotional conflict during that period, not entirely sure how I should feel about the situation. In the end though I decided that instead of focusing on the past and how things were then, I should focus on the present. Although it still feels strange to hear my name without any titles, and even stranger to hear about the ministry’s actions second hand, I believe that everyone that comes after me, including Will and those beyond her, will do an excellent job. That I have no doubt about. It will take a bit of getting used to, but I believe everyone can make this change be for the better.”

With the stepping down of Rani Lightwood and death of Casara Griffiths, the Auralock allegiance didn’t really have a chief for quite awhile. The main people running the Ministry were the Auralock Advisors until a new Chief was elected. The Minister of Magic picked the new Chief Will Lockhart, we had the chance to speak to her about it.

For starters, how did you become the Chief Auralock?
"I became Chief Auralock because the Minister of Magic had chosen me. He gave me time to think it over and with help from my family I eventually came to the decision to take on the job."
Good to hear! What are your plans as Chief to help the Wizarding World?
"As Chief Auralock I, of course, want to ensure we all get to live in a safe environment. What happened a few weeks ago with Grux has been hard on every one of us. Each of us has experienced pain in ways we cannot explain. Right now my first task is to ensure that everyone feels safe again and tries to move on, even though this might be hard. I do also want to look more into the Vampire and Werewolf rights. See which decisions have been made by other people and put them right."
The Wizarding World has a lot to look forward to. So, most people know the Ministry as being corrupted, what is your plan to step away from that statement?
"I do think that there have been decisions made in the past that could have been done better. However, it is an opinion certain people have on the Ministry. It is an opinion I cannot always change. This might simply be because the way people view certain things are the exact opposite from what the Ministry does. These views are things I haven't looked into yet. I plan on seeing how we can do better and with that, be better."

Now that there was a Chief Auralock again, the only question people had was, “Who would be part of the Auralock High Command?” The Chief Auralock took some time and appointed Violette Carstairs as their Deputy Auralock. We had the chance to speak with Violette about her promotion.
What was your reaction when you first got promoted?
"To be completely honest, I was quite surprised. Obviously the new Chief had only just been announced and I thought for sure one of the current advisors would get the position. It was a nice surprise though!"
Did you feel like you were a good fit for the promotion?
"I've been working hard in the ministry and given my prior experience was willing to help the new Chief in any way that was needed."
That's great! On to my final question, are there any changes you would like to make while in your new role?
"I aim to help our new Chief continue on with Matt and Rani's legacy. Of course I'd love to help train more Auralocks and stop my endless pile of paperwork as well!"

In the Phoenix allegiance, the Lord of Phoenixes announced a new member joining the Council of Cinders, which was Stardust Pendragon. With Stardust joining the Council of CInders, she became the Phoenix Lightbringer. We at The Weekly Owl had the lovely chance to speak to Stardust and about her new role.

How are you currently taking this position? Even though it's not been long, does it feel a lot more different than your last position?
"It's a huge honour, I'm extremely grateful for the chance to be Lord Phoenix's second in command. I hope I can measure up to my predecessors who were in the Council, I'll still do my best to make sure the Phoenixes have what we need to protect the wizarding world and one another."
"As for my previous position compared to this one, I don't feel there isn't much difference other than a shift in how my words are carried out and received. If Lord Phoenix isn't present, I am acting in command, which is something I will need to get used to and use wisely I believe. Other than that, it's quite similar and I'll be sure to keep in touch with the High Phoenixes on making decisions, just like I did before."

How was the name for this new title chosen?
"Max and I worked a good bit of time together on making it! More specifically, it was the process of looking for words that related to Fire/Phoenixes/Light/ + a name for a person's job or thing that can be applied to someone. We took a look at the previous Council of Cinders titles to break down those to see if we could apply the same logic to a new title. In the end Lightbringer felt like it fit the best with myself so it was decided on. Fun fact, Novacaster was also a possible title in the running."

What is something you want to achieve within your allegiance now that you have this new position?
"Personally, I hope to make the Phoenixes once more a strong beacon of hope for the wizarding world. Having our members live off the burning passion in their hearts that drives them to do the right thing and further the Phoenix mentality of helping and standing against those causing harm to people. I think that we can pull ourselves forward from the ashes just as we have done before."

In the Vampire allegiance, with the death of Chailey Selwyn the vampires had no one to lead them. That all changed during the crowning Coronation for Cordelia Woolecot, as she became the new Vampire Queen. Here’s what she had to say about it.

Hullo, I am an interviewer for the Weekly Owl, and I was wondering if I could interview you about your re-election?
"So, technically, I wasn't re-elected. "Kade Everard" who was the WW Alpha is dead, and this character I am now portraying was never in a leadership position. So for me as a person, yes, technically I was re-elected, but for the character Cordelia? Nope! First time in a leadership position (Vampire Queen). So, as far as a reaction, I'd say hopeful. I feel like I can bring some new concepts and ideas to the group and I am looking forward to see what may come of it!"

Speaking of new ideas and concepts, do you have any plans to make any changes at all?
Maybe! I definitely want to help make sure that there is a community to the vampires, and not just the name like there always has been. Most of the people are pretty separated, and very few of us interact much together, so hopefully I will be able to help that shift a little bit. I also would like to bring another theme, per se, to the vampires, and try and bring back the idea of a rich history and really take advantage of the lore of a long life. Ideally, try and get a reputation for nobility and elegance, not just a bloodthirsty murderer as the theme is often used.

Alright lovely readers, that is all we have for you at this time! I hope you enjoyed learning about our new leaders and inner circle members of some of the Allegiances. This has been x_Ivy writing for The Weekly Owl. If you are interested in joining The Weekly Owl team, here is the application!


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