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trouble getting on server

When I go to add the server it says I have an incorrect IP address. Then it just tells me it's locating the server. I have tried this several times making sure I have the right IP address, I do, but it tells me the same thing every time. What do I do?
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Minecraft IGN: Melioraa
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
Heya @hogwartsismyhome96!

Before anything, please make sure you are playing on the Java version of minecraft on a version between 1.10 and 1.13. Our server is sadly not compatible with the P.E or console versions of minecraft nor cracked accounts.

If you are using the correct account, please make sure you are typing in the following IP-

Regardless of whether or not it says pinging in the top right hand corner of the server, try joining it and see what happens.

Hope this helped!!

Best regards,