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Uservoice Changes

Hello Everyone!

I bring an update regarding the Uservoice on behalf of the Development Team.

After running for a year and a half, we plan on bringing the Uservoice service to an end. We'd like to thank every single person that has contributed to the suggestions on the platform for helping to shape the server, making it what it is today. We have gotten to know what our players and staff, alike, want to see from the server and how they would like it to develop.

With around 1000 suggestions created so far, it's fair to say Uservoice was popular and so this was not an easy decision to make, but it is one we had to come to for a multitude of reasons:
At the end of the day, Uservoice wasn't something that we had developed. The platform was completely separate to us and as such it limited what we had planned for it, ultimately meaning it couldn't do what we had originally wanted. Along with this, being something we hadn't created meant it wasn't as customizable as we hoped and therefore not Potterworld focussed, which lead to things such as the branding of the service not aligning with our other platforms.
A lot of the feedback received on Uservoice were either duplicates of previous suggestions, already in the works or so different to our vision of Potterworld's future that it wasn't something we felt would support us and so we didn't want to implement it. We also received a lot of bug reports, jokey suggestions or straight up complaints/call-outs; people weren't using the proper channels of communication for these threads and we spent more time than necessary dealing with these, rather than working on real suggestions. We feel that by moving away from Uservoice, we can easily organise these "others" from actual suggestions from a system that we all already use - the forums.

We will be disabling the Uservoice in the coming days.

What about my old suggestions?
When the time comes for Uservoice to go, these suggestions will be inaccessible to players. The Development Team will still have access to all old suggestions and they may implement any they see fit our future plans. You will not receive a notification about your idea being accepted or if it is implemented.

But how will my suggestions and opinions be heard now?!
You can make suggestions and share your opinions in the same way that you would have before Uservoice appeared on Potterworld - in our forums! We will have a suggestions area in the forums ready for the moment that Uservoice is gone and in here you can make your suggestions for everyone to see, much like you could on the Uservoice.
When you make a suggestion on this new forum, it might not get a response from a member of the Development Team (this is partially why we are moving away from Uservoice). We will still be reading all of your suggestions though; The suggestions that we and the community like the most have a chance of being implemented.

Once again, we would like to thank everyone for all of their suggestions made on the Uservoice. We hope to see such enthusiasm in the forums when we move back to there. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to message a member of the Development Team - either on the website or on Discord!

- The Development Team



New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Thistleton
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent Werewolf
Lol interesting. I feel like it’s because certain people have a view for PW future and it’s too hard to see what anyone else would want ;):D
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Senior Developer
Minecraft IGN: KieranTM
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Developer
Lol interesting. I feel like it’s because certain people have a view for PW future and it’s too hard to see what anyone else would want ;):D
This was a joint decision between several of our developers and our head of development. The entire team has different visions for the Potterworld future, however we all have the same aims in mind - a server that everyone enjoys. As we have already stated also in the post, some Uservoice suggestions were "so different to our vision of Potterworld's future that it wasn't something we felt would support us and so we didn't want to implement it.", does that not match what you have said? Anyway, we have not silenced the people you have referenced, as we are offering everyone a platform to discuss suggestions on our forums instead.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Thistleton
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent Werewolf
This was a joint decision between several of our developers and our head of development. The entire team has different visions for the Potterworld future, however we all have the same aims in mind - a server that everyone enjoys. As we have already stated also in the post, some Uservoice suggestions were "so different to our vision of Potterworld's future that it wasn't something we felt would support us and so we didn't want to implement it.", does that not match what you have said? Anyway, we have not silenced the people you have referenced, as we are offering everyone a platform to discuss suggestions on our forums instead.
okie dokie :) honestly that's fair enough <3
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