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WizNewsletter - January 2025

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Created in October of 2020, the WizNewsletter serves as a way for students and staff to recap on the month's updates. WizNetworkers spend countless hours researching, writing, editing, and implementing each section so that the happenings of the wizarding world do not go unnoticed. Let’s get into the news from the past month!



Application Updates
Our current open applications are:​

  • Class Helper (Staff)
  • Class Design (Staff)
  • Arena Squire (Staff)
  • Jr. Builder (Non-Staff)
  • Jr. Prefect (Staff)
  • Scribe Publisher (Staff)
  • Jr. Game Designer (Staff)
  • Lore Keeper (Staff)
  • DD Writer (Staff)
  • Post WizNetworker (Staff)
  • Video WizNetworker (Staff)
  • 2D Arithmancer (Staff)
  • 3D Arithmancer (Staff)
  • Skin Arithmancer (Staff)
  • Grounds Keeper (Staff)
  • Poltergeist (Staff)
  • Curse Breaker (Staff)

The Griffins have taken the top spot in the House Cup for the fourth quarter of 2024! Their outstanding achievement has earned them the coveted title of winners, beating out the Serpent, Raven, and Honeybadger houses. The Serpents came in a strong second place, with the Ravens following closely behind.To celebrate the Griffin’s victory, we invite all players to join us at the upcoming in-game event. This will be a great opportunity to commemorate the Griffins’ achievements and socialize with fellow players! The event will be live soon, at which point you can head to the Basically Beheaded Benjamin NPC located outside the Great Hall to participate in the celebration. Mark your calendars, as the next House Cup will be awarded in March, giving each house a chance to make a comeback, and we wish good luck to all of you witches and wizards quarter!​
The New Year arrived, bringing with it some fantastic new items in the Duality Store Release! If you’re looking to add some more color to your wardrobe and cosmetics, the enchanting Green, Blue, and Pink Butterfly Wand Effects would be perfect for you. Feeling musically inclined and want to make a lasting impression? The Wolfgang Death Effects might be just what you’re looking for! Along with these releases, the Store Team presents a new series of unique wands such as the: Pearl Wand, Ghost Wand, Onyx Wand, and Ebony Wand. Make sure to check out the featured items as well, like the beautiful Fairy Wings Bundle and super cool Sunglasses! Make sure to check out the full extent of these releases in the “New Releases” section of the store, or try them out for yourself in the in-game store!​
We’re so proud to announce a brand new Assistant to Head of Academics, Dark (DarktheDino)! Dark has done more than enough to prove her worth to the Academics department as a member of their leadership and has helped the various teams grow exponentially with content creation and management. With her new responsibilities, Dark will continue to manage various aspects of the Academics department along with our current Head, Ariel, and ensure quality within all aspects of the team. We can’t wait to see what she does in her new role! Congratulations Dark!​
The Build Team is thrilled to announce the first rotation of minigame maps for the new year! With exciting adventures on the horizon, we’re excited to bring back some beloved classics that are sure to ignite your competitive spirit. Prepare to tackle the treacherous floors of Melting Floor, where quick reflexes are a must, and explore the intriguing mysteries of The Ministry’s corridors. Prefer a stealthy approach? Hide out in The Hovel, or soar through the enchanting surprises of Pegasus Flight. Gear up for an unforgettable journey—let the games begin, and here’s to a fantastic 2025 ahead!​
The Developer Team worked hard to bring some new and exciting changes to a few of our server’s features at the beginning of the New Year! To highlight some of these, Co-Owners of Housing plots have been created, which allows for said player to change all parts of a Housing and bypass all restrictions aside from resetting the plot or changing the scenery. On top of this, you can now restrict your housing to co-owners only, preventing your residents and other players from entering your house. Check out the forum announcement to utilize these new commands! Party Visibility has also been rolled out, allowing players to toggle the visibility of party members in areas where players are usually hidden. This setting on default, is always on, and can be triggered with the /party visibility command. Other bug fixes and additions include fixed issues with the Marketplace, kill message displays in Dueling Halls, some new class broadcast support, and some other effects problems. The team hopes you enjoy these changes, and keep an eye out to see what else the Developers have in store!​
The Scribe Team has been hard at work on many exciting updates and content. Among this, a large range of lore pages has been added to the wiki. You can now read about amazing topics such as Thestry Racing, known diseases and sicknesses, and even some hidden characters! On top of these new lore pages, several edits were made to already existing pages. You can learn more about these edits on the official Potterworld forums, and read up on the amazing new lore on the official Potterworld wiki! Don’t forget to thank the Scribe Team for all their hard work. Happy reading!​
Potterworld’s most determined fliers and duelists proved their worth over the past 3 months in various Challenges, and it’s time to finally congratulate our victors of the Overall, Dueling, and Flying categories! Starting with the Overall, we need to give a big congratulations to buddy365 on taking the win with a final overall Arena score of 292! For the Dueling Category, let’s give a round of applause to kingf0s7 on his victory, with a score of 60. Finally, a big congratulations to _xJayla for coming in first in the Flying category with 84 points! Congratulations to our victors, as well as the Top 6 Leaderboard Players. We hope you all enjoyed the challenges, and we can’t wait to see you in action!​
To celebrate the release of the Winter Waltz event and the arrival of winter, the WizNetworker team released their Ugly Sweater Skin Competition! With that being said, it’s time to announce the winner. Please give a big congratulations to SpookyEllie, who had a fabulous hand-made ugly sweater! Being the winner, they had the opportunity to choose between the Gungnir Staff, the Snow Globe Warp Key, or the Galdrakademia Scenery, along with the additional prize of 300 House Points. Make sure to check out the submission on the official forum announcement! The team very much enjoyed seeing everyone’s work, and we hope everyone had a great time making their submissions!​
The Winter Waltz Event came to an end, with the results of the Winter Minigames Tournaments following close behind! It’s time to congratulate the top 5 contenders of the three minigames: Snowballing, Sledding, and Wand Spleef! In our Snowballing category, let’s give a round of applause to SpookyEllie, bluecherub, Creme_de_Creme, jacquas, and sergquas on their victories! Next, let’s congratulate M_Engel, Dismana, Deathlish, Enzologies, and Teheeo on sliding to victory in the Sledding category. Last, but certainly not least, congratulations to the winners of the Wand Spleef category, HektorTM, Strale_Abernathy, and cluelessmaria! We hope everyone had a great time participating, and another big congratulations to everyone who placed.​

Congratulations to our outstanding winners of the January 2025 tournaments! A huge round of applause for M_Engel and xNyn for clinching victory in the 2v2 Sledding Tournament, as well as to Deathlish and yikies for their triumph in the 2v2 Dueling Tournament. And to round off the month let’s not forget the remarkable achievement of buddy365 and Dismana in the 2v2 Flying Tournament—well done! Thank you to all the participants who made these events so thrilling and competitive. Your enthusiasm and talent have truly shone through, and we encourage everyone to keep an eye out for future challenges and tournaments. We can’t wait to see you all back in action soon!​

Click here to view the Tournaments forum!​
Assistant to Head of Academics > DarktheDino​
Jr. Professor: Kazwa​
Community Management
Jr. Prefect: Morrgannn​
Prefect: Panpanaras​
Sr. Prefect: MikiMau7​


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