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New profile posts

Hi, I can't use the game in my Minecraft account, is there a reason to why? It just keeps on saying incompatible version
what a great day to be alive! do you guys know why it is such a great day? well, because it is another day potterworld lives on of course! i love potterworld so so so super duper much, it is so hard to put into words. alas, I must try, as how else will i be able to express my deep love for potterworld??? my love for potterworld is so deep in my bones, it is the very fabric of my being. without potterworld, who am i to even dare to keep existing? potterworld is my love, my life, my forever ever. i love potterworld so much. thank you, potterworld, for the simple act of existing. i dont know what i would do without potterworld. i love potterworld so much!!!!!!
Went to first dueling training session yesterday. It was.. something. Halls but we're bribing ppl with rewards. I guess it's at least some promo for dueling 🤷
They should bring back magical maze for 10th anniversary. Spell wars and hunger games too. Amor vita too. Azkaban as cherry on top.
2/4, not bad. They do be watching my profile.
Hello Potterworldians! :giggle: I have released my art store to the public! All commissions on the store are tradeable with Potterworld gold. I have several art options to create your character! From Hogsworth Student IDs, Signatures, and Store Trades we have it all and more to come :DShatterdHeart's Store Commissions Request I have partnered with @Engelhardmarcos for his incredible renders, which you can also put in your requests for renders. On our website which is linked in our request form above. On our website we our prices page with all prices listed on there. If there is a sale our sale will be listed on our website under prices. We also have our portfolio page on our website where you can see all the work from myself and Engel on there!! :heart::serpent:
another year, another amazing day of existing within potterworld! what a joyous day this is, as we are allowed another year of existing in the same time as potterworld! i love potterworld so much, from the hard working staff, the community that potterworld has built, the amazing gameplay that potterworld provides, i just love all of it!!!! thank you so much for potterworld for being my reason for living, my light in my life, the reason that I can keep going every single day. i must give special thanks, of course, to the potterworld staff!!!! their hard work is what makes the great potterworld server the greatest henry porter roleplay server there is. i love potterworld so much, and without the potterworld staff, the potterworld that we know of today would not exists! thank you so much for keeping such an amazing and mindblowing server up and running, and bringing such joy and light into mine and every single potterworld player's life. i love potterworld so super duper much, and every day i wake up to make sure that the light of my life exists, that it is still up and running. thank you so much for another year of light and happiness!!!!! i love potterworld so super duper duper much!!!!!