DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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Potterworld has become what it is today thanks to the amazing team of people who have taken their time to help our server. This page is to give credit to those who have contributed.

External Developers:
  • Magic, Arenas, Chocolate Frog Cards, Brooms: NathanWolf (http://mine.elmakers.com/)
  • Quabbleball Minigame Development: jjw123
Game Design:
  • Spell Design/PvP: Droobledore, JustinKappa, oliviabmth, FLiiiPENDO, DenizTM, Zmiy, apauled, Joshios, FrostyObsidian, xAutumnn, Expiroces
  • Leveling System: NathanWolf, Droobledore
  • Mobs: BurntCrab, DenizTM, Abstract_Magi, FLiiiPENDO, Zmiy, apauled, Joshios, FrostyObsidian, xAutumnn, Expiroces
3D Models:
  • Hats, Wands, Brooms, Weapons, all other 3D models: Droobledore & Prin_ce
  • Golden H Cup, Golden Droobledore Statue, 3D Bertie Bott Bean: 00FF00
  • Cake Models, Grindling, Cooking Pots: CrazyCraft41
  • Flower Crowns: Sasspai
  • Ford Anglia and Flying Motorcycle: Abstract_Magi
  • Bruiser's Bat and Emerald Hat: Blizz
  • Potterwatch Megaphone and Hat: _Sxm
  • Hammer and Builder's Hat: bimob
Resource Packs:
  • Website Design and Development: Dannyy94, Shijun
  • Server Development: Dannyy94, Werter, yraaneq, DenizTM, Teheeo, Joshios, FrostyObsidian
Former Head Staff
  • Magatha
  • Raindelia
  • Allis0n
  • Alex_Peverell
  • wardbalrog
  • Kedric
  • PinayMomo
  • Stelth
  • Auralux
  • Hobs_
  • Sonikkz
  • FineLime
  • BubbleBunny
  • DuskHour
  • PrincessRil
  • NotNeptune
  • lazy_penguin
  • Goldfish
  • MrIceBomb
  • LilaTheMoose
  • TJoo
  • Bonesie
  • TacoPony
  • Hyung
  • Rosie_Blue
  • Nymphadorable
  • BurntCrab
  • Scharf
  • geminiswede
  • Aloreable
  • _Emxly
  • abcdefgwynn
  • JustJada
  • RalieTheFish
  • MiraMoose
  • EricaEH
  • Claireypants
  • disqraceful
  • MariJensn
  • GarrisonTM
  • FLiiiPENDO
  • RobotWizz
  • xAutumnn
  • Sunnya
  • DenizTM
  • zachmath15
There are many people who have contributed to our server.
We cannot list them all but want to thank every single one for the time, dedication, and effort they’ve given to Potterworld!
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