I strongly agree that there should be an "opt out" option for parkour on the server. I also agree that it should only be available after a certain amount of time (e.g. 10-20 mins), so that players still TRY doing the parkour first. However, I disagree with the opinion that "you just have to keep trying and eventually you'll get it". For example, I'm currently stuck on the divination parkour and towards the beginning of the parkour, I was having a lot of fun. Sure, it took a few tries, but I eventually got there. However, there is a specific portion of the parkour that is
very spell heavy. For instance, I'm constantly using lumen for light (so that I can actually see the parkour), then using levimora for the blocks, then using lumen austus to blow up dirt, and finally using levimora a few more times for two other blocks, all of which is happening in the same 5-10 seconds. And, believe me when I say that my computer
cannot handle that much in so little time. I keep trying and every time I get somewhat far, my computer panics, there's lag, and then I'm falling down again. I mean, at one point my computer froze for a full minute with all of this spell casting happening all at once. Now, don't get me wrong, it's a cool course, just like several parkour courses are really cool and really well thought out on the server. So, I'm not criticizing the creator(s) of the course or the course itself, but rather the functionality of the course for
all players. Not everyone's computers can run that much spell casting in that little of time. And quite honestly, I'm very fortunate that my computer doesn't lag with basic parkour, as I know that is very common too. So, I would argue that it's not always the "skill set" of the player when it comes to parkour or how "experienced" they are, but rather if their computer can even handle it. We can't all own perfect, non-lag computers, unfortunately. So, I would say that an "opt out" option would be perfect for people who's computers have a hard time handling some courses, as well as helping out those who may not be experiencing lag, but are just overall frustrated with the parkour. Because, quite honestly, it's really disappointing that you could be stuck on a certain parkour course for days, weeks, maybe even months, and when you ask for help, you're told, "just keep trying" or "just Google how to stop lag". Personally, I love the parkour, but the moment that it is too much for a computer to handle or is too frustrating for those who simply don't like parkour, it just sucks all of the fun out of it. And, if you can't move past a certain part of parkour, you can't leave and do something else (as you would lose your progress) and you can't move onto the next task until you have finished. So, if you can't do the course because of a lack of skills or a lack of a strong computer, as well as not being able to leave for fear of losing all that precious progress, you begin to question what the point is and feel less inclined to get back on the server because you are quite literally
stuck. And I understand that there are a lot of people who will probably disagree because they are good at parkour and maybe I, as well as others, just aren't "trying hard enough", but I firmly believe that adding an "opt out" option for parkour would create an experience that
all players can enjoy, rather than an experience that only those who have a strong computer and/or have a strong skill set for parkour can enjoy. To me, at least, it just seems unfair to have all of these unrealistic expectations (no lag, strong computer, good skill set for parkour) to complete activities. Just because someone isn't good at parkour, doesn't like parkour, and/or doesn't have a strong enough computer for parkour, they can't complete tasks, quests, or other fun missions on the server too? So, overall, I feel that an "opt out" option would be far more successful than mandatory parkour. And I'm sorry for the essay, but I really love PotterworldMC and I really hate to feel like I can't enjoy the server if I'm not good at parkour, don't like parkour, and/or don't have a good enough computer for parkour. Please, staff, I, like many others, would
greatly appreciate an "opt out" option for parkour. And thank you to those of you who read this! I sincerely hope you all have a great day!