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Reduce Parkour in quests


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Hello again everyone,

After carefully discussing this idea, we have unfortunately decided to decline it.
We feel as if parkour is supposed to present a challenge, that players can spend a lot of time (and perhaps even come back later) to complete and work on improving their skills. We understand that this can be quite frustrating, however, we believe that if someone manages to complete the parkour, they will feel accomplished and feel like they actually worked for it, which is what we want to achieve with our quests. As with other challenges, making parkour skippable would ruin this aspect.
Furthermore, parkour is part of the gameplay, it adds a new dynamic, adds variety to quests, and makes them more interesting. Without parkour, quests would include less variety and definitely be less original.

Quests are optional gameplay. If players cannot complete a quest because of a parkour, they can simply not complete it and move on, Of course, it can be disappointing to do so, but you can always return later and try again. There are other ways to level up and gain gold besides quests, so they certainly do not limit the progression through the server.
Finally, as Lauren has already stated, we also try to make the parkour for quests completable with practice, so that players can complete it, but are nonetheless challenged by it.
Thank you for bringing forth your idea! We really appreciate it and hope you will make more use of these forums in the future!

Have a great day!
I kinda agree with this. I also am very bad at parkour and for the third quest, you have to do a long parkour, I keep missing a jump so close to the end of that level, and keep having to go all the way back to the start of that level, but quests are optional, so you don't have to do it.
This so much. I'm terrible at parkour but find it almost fun IF there are checkpoints. The starting completely over, or even 5+ jumps over, is really devastating and discouraging. I almost enjoy the parkour when it's achievable, with practice, and when there are points to start at partway through or "sections" I guess. Single blocks are almost always gonna give me trouble bc of my laptop. It stinks that the parkour COULD be made more accessible but people wanting challenge is the reason it isn't more accessible. Maybe having options of difficulty levels? Easy/Med/Hard and assign more gold for going back to complete at each difficulty level? Kind of like repeating levels to collect all the coins or tokens in other games?
I'd love an opt-out option after a certain amount of time. "main-quests" such as the year quest should naturally have that option and any quests that restrict access to certain areas unless complete. The issue is that some people will never be more than passible at parkour no matter how much they practice and if you don't enjoy those types of challenges, to begin with, it becomes redundant. I love the server, I love exploring and completing quests, I don't love the parkour and I'm stuck in the middle of the divinations quest. Do some people power through the pain for victory? Absolutely and they're amazing for it, but that's not me. I try for a limited amount of time but once I'm no longer having fun in a game I play to have fun I quit because I have enough to stress about elsewhere. And that's what parkour is for some people, stress, the type that even when it's over and you complete it you don't get happy or excited you just hope it's done.
Did you ever make it through or just skip it? I'm currently trapped in divination with a laggy computer and very little parkour skill. Going on 2 days of trying. :/