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Revelius "Ball Dropping"


Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
EDIT: To any staff reading this the time for the suggestion has passed and needs to be put in the decline pile.

I had a cute idea for the official start of the Revelius Update. You know how in New York every year for the start of a new year a giant ball drops at exactly midnight? I was wondering if at like a half hour or 15 minutes before the Revelius Update starts a similar ceremony begins in the Great Hall courtyard in which right before Revelius launches a ball drops and there are fireworks and celebration (maybe it could even be streamed on the Potterworld YouTube channel, I don't know). I understand that the update is only a little over two weeks away and that it will probably be too much work and a little too ambitious for a one time 15 minute affair but it just sounds fun which is why I suggested it. In fact it doesn't even have to be a "ball dropping" huge over the top affair, even though I think that would be sooooo cool, more generally I would just like a big celebration with my friends counting down to Revelius! Thanks for reading and have a nice day.
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Minecraft IGN: Evux
Honeybadger Auralock Linked
The ball dropping part seems a bit much in my opinion. Some sort of celebration maybe with a countdown before its accessible would be awesome! I like the idea of a hype/commemoration event right before the event though. If the GD can spare some resources which I highly doubt they would.


Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
If the GD can spare some resources which I highly doubt they would.
Yeah, that is what I expected, they are understandably quite busy and on top of that, technically we have like three events on TOP of the big upcoming update, so yeah, cool if it can happen at all, at any scale, but I understand if it can't <3.


Minecraft IGN: viewful
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire
Hello, and thank you for making a suggestion for Potterworld!

I will bring this to light to the Poltergeist team immediately and gain feedback in order to give you a response as soon as possible. Thank you again, and take care!


Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
Lol yeah I guess there are two possibilities. 1: They wanted to decline due to lack of time and never got around to it and are probably going to do it right after Revelius launches, or 2: they didn't want to accept it because they wanted it as a surprise. I wouldn't get my hopes up but like I said, it would be cool! :D


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Thanks for your suggestion as that is something we always appreciate!
Unfortunately, as time has passed and the Revelius Update has already happened, I will be moving this to Declined. For the future, something like this is unlikely to be possible because in the time before releases, almost the entire team will be preparing for it and making sure that it is the best it can be. We will simply not have the time to host, organize and plan something like this close to any future releases or events.
Thanks again and have a wonderful day!


Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
Thanks for your suggestion as that is something we always appreciate!
Unfortunately, as time has passed and the Revelius Update has already happened, I will be moving this to Declined. For the future, something like this is unlikely to be possible because in the time before releases, almost the entire team will be preparing for it and making sure that it is the best it can be. We will simply not have the time to host, organize and plan something like this close to any future releases or events.
Thanks again and have a wonderful day!
Alright, that is understandable. This post was made before maintenance was announced so I was under the impression the update was just a server restart away (I know very funny) so something like this could possibly be organized. In my original post I noted how unlikely it was that something like this would be accepted so while I am a little disappointed I am not shocked. Thanks for looking into it for me though! :)