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New discord roles


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: LillianLark
While I think this is a really good idea conceptually, I do believe this might make some people a little uncomfortable. People who identify by certain pronouns might be worried to claim a role that specifically shows their chosen pronoun anytime they interact with someone. Imagine if you were walking around in real life and a holographic tag was hanging above you saying “HER”. I understand that some people would actually do this, but I think it might have a more negative effect than you realize.


Minecraft IGN: Vedenhaltija
While I think this is a really good idea conceptually, I do believe this might make some people a little uncomfortable. People who identify by certain pronouns might be worried to claim a role that specifically shows their chosen pronoun anytime they interact with someone. Imagine if you were walking around in real life and a holographic tag was hanging above you saying “HER”. I understand that some people would actually do this, but I think it might have a more negative effect than you realize.
I don't see how that'd be negative? Also you could choose multiple ones, and it's obviously optional.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: LillianLark
I don't see how that'd be negative? Also you could choose multiple ones, and it's obviously optional.
Let me first say that I personally agree with you, but we both have to play Devil’s advocate in this situation. Some people with different political and personal views may be uncomfortable with the server taking a more liberal stance. I think this is something that could be incorporated with time. Again, I agree with you, but am considering many players on the server that I know come from more conservative backgrounds that won’t be comfortable with this.


Assistant to Head of CM
Head Staff
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
Assistant Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator WizNetworker SPEW Media Lead Drooble's Order Linked Store Lead Faerie
I think the server has always been more inclusive and more on the liberal side- many players of the server identify as LGBT+ and the server does have a whole pride month event.
I do like the idea of optional pronoun roles available. This avoids people having to clog up their nickname with their pronouns, which several players currently have.

Having the pronoun roles as optional keeps it the best of both worlds- if you don't like it, you don't have to participate. If you do, you can apply the roles.
With something as simple as pronoun roles, I personally don't believe a conservative player would be made uncomfortable by this.

I really like this idea, and potterworld has always aimed for inclusivity among all players. The pronoun roles on discord would be another simple stepping stone towards this!


Minecraft IGN: xxXperteXxx
Auralock Serpent Linked
Someone's identity isn't and shouldn't be a political opinion. It should just exist. It doesn't affect them at all, nor it is somehow conservative or liberal.
I totally agree with you! If someone forms her/his/their opinion on someone because of her/his/their identity, she/he/it would discriminate this person. According to the server rules, discrimination includes transphobia and sexism and is considered to be a severe rule break, which will result in an instant permanent ban.

I do believe this might make some people a little uncomfortable. People who identify by certain pronouns might be worried to claim a role that specifically shows their chosen pronoun anytime they interact with someone.
I think the rule I mentioned before was created to prevent this. It isn't a good solution to hide your identity, just to prevent to be discriminated because of it.

Some people with different political and personal views may be uncomfortable with the server taking a more liberal stance. I think this is something that could be incorporated with time. Again, I agree with you, but am considering many players on the server that I know come from more conservative backgrounds that won’t be comfortable with this.
The people who doesn't identify with the gender they should identify with (according to these "Conservatives") didn't do anything wrong, so they shouldn't be punished for it, by being forced to hide their identity. These dicriminating "Conservatives" are wrong, so they should hide their hate or live with the consequences of the Anti-Discrimination-Rule. Why should one try to make these transphobic and sexist people feel more comfortable?

It does absolutely not matter, whether someone is conservative or liberal, because being conservative doesn't automatically mean that someone discriminates and hate a group of people. The important question is, whether someone discriminates a group of people or not.


Minecraft IGN: HektorTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I think it's a great Idea and since it would be optional i don't see any issues in it:
If somebody does feel uncomfortable they could just decide not to take any pronounce.


Minecraft IGN: Khails
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire VIP Werewolf Linked
Greetings Puffih,

Thanks for suggesting an idea! We are always looking for ideas that benefit the server, and we appreciate you for bringing it forward!

I'll bring your idea forth and we'll discuss whether it can be implemented or not. I'll reply back once we've reached a decision, so make sure to keep an eye out for a response on the thread!


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
Also, if gender roles are added then where's the line, would you also add age roles? Potterworld level roles? Cause I've been called a girl and over 18 and not a lvl 80 before, and all I do is correct them and Im fine


Minecraft IGN: Vedenhaltija
Also, if gender roles are added then where's the line, would you also add age roles? Potterworld level roles? Cause I've been called a girl and over 18 and not a lvl 80 before, and all I do is correct them and Im fine
I dont feel like age roles are necessary, and they could be harmful. Though I haven’t mentioned gender roles, I suggested pronoun roles (like he/him, she/her). Also assuming someones gender, especially if they arent cisgender, can impact someone in some ways you might not understand.


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
Yes, I know age roles can be harmful but I don't specifically see a reason for labelling everyone, like sure it's nice for people to first off call you by your correct gender but it's a mistake and I, and I don't think many other people are willing to make the effort to check someones roles every time I have a conversation with someone. But I guess this more a conversation on politics/gender issues rather than Potterworld


Minecraft IGN: Vedenhaltija
Yes, I know age roles can be harmful but I don't specifically see a reason for labelling everyone, like sure it's nice for people to first off call you by your correct gender but it's a mistake and I, and I don't think many other people are willing to make the effort to check someones roles every time I have a conversation with someone. But I guess this more a conversation on politics/gender issues rather than Potterworld
First of all, the roles would be optional, so that means not labelling everyone. Also you wouldn’t really need to check everyones roles literally every time you talk, just when you’d just refer to them. Also this isn’t politics nor a gender issue, more like a way to help being everyone more comfortable in this server.


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
Also assuming someones gender, especially if they arent cisgender, can impact someone in some ways you might not understand.
I understand this if you have met the person visually or hear them audibly, to the misgender them would possibly upset them. However, on Minecraft a person could use any skin or name they wanted which could maybe have cause and effect for someone to accidentally misgender someone (not that anyone should be assuming, but ignorance can happen from all of us) - I understand Matty's view that you could correct them, although if the idea for the Roles was an optional one - I see no reason as to why this would create any negative effects and for the people who have been requesting this (Cause I've seen a few suggestions similar to this now) I think it would make them happy to have to option to help towards preventing it.

Finally - I would say if this was implemented - it wouldn't be a reason to be upset with someone should they accidentally misgender you regardless of the roles being there. For most people, it is an accident and a little ignorance to assume a gender, but for the most part you do just need to say - I actually gender myself as... and the said person would most likely apologise, correct themselves and not make the same mistake. We have a great community on this server, of all different genders and sexuality, I think almost everyone here is respectful and understanding of that! :)

I hope this idea does get implemented :)


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
Personally, I think it's a effort for barely any outcome and that if only a select few people have the pronoun roles it could make people feel even more excluded from the people that don't. The great thing about pronouns is that words like "they or their" exists, meaning you can talk about someone without even knowing what gender they are. And the people that don't use these words frequently are the people who won't be bothered to check discord roles


Minecraft IGN: Salmandingo
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
I really like & support the idea. I have seen people add their preferred pronouns to their usernames. For example, if I intended, my nickname would be: Salmandingo (he/him)

I would also see that as a good option, but I feel like it's easier to just add it to our nicknames than to create roles if we prefer particular pronouns to be used for us :)


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
Personally, I think it's a effort for barely any outcome and that if only a select few people have the pronoun roles it could make people feel even more excluded from the people that don't. The great thing about pronouns is that words like "they or their" exists, meaning you can talk about someone without even knowing what gender they are. And the people that don't use these words frequently are the people who won't be bothered to check discord roles
It's honestly a really simple addition that won't hurt anyone. There's no reason NOT to do it! From the overwhelming support on this thread alone, I'd say it's more than "barely any outcome".


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
It's honestly a really simple addition that won't hurt anyone. There's no reason NOT to do it! From the overwhelming support on this thread alone, I'd say it's more than "barely any outcome".
Preach it Avi - and tbh in my opinion, nothing is ever too much effort if it makes people happy. :)


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked

Thanks for taking the time to put yourself and your idea out there. I love to see the ideas that people have for the server! This suggestion is something that was discussed and considered among the leadership team. Unfortunately we decided that we will not be accepting this suggestion, and this decision comes from a number of reasons:

- We understand that the goal of this suggestion is to be inclusive and that is what we want to do as far as possible on Potterworld, but there is a large chance and it is almost inevitable that people will misuse something like this. Many people take gender and pronouns very seriously, and they could get offended at the misuse of such a system.

- Something that Potterworld prides itself in is being an escape for many people and we try our best to not compromise that. There is no way for us to tell how many people would end up misusing something like this or go about protecting the community in the instance of this behaviour. Therefore, we do not want to risk this type of thing happening.

- We recognise that there are so many ways that a person can identify and it would be impossible for us to represent them all. Implementing a few of the different gender pronouns would mean that people could likely feel excluded because their form of gender identification and expression is represented. People could become upset because their pronoun is not included, and we would like to avoid this as far as possible.

- Having a system like this might make people feel like they are forced to identify as a particular gender, when they actually aren't even sure about which gender they identify with. They could feel pressured into getting a role and they would be forced to pick a gender.

This decision was not made lightly. It was thought about and spoken about a lot among the leadership team. A lot of us would want to do something like this, but we want to make sure that we protect the community. We believe that people should tell others their pronouns, and we encourage you to include your pronouns in your nickname on the server or in your Discord status.