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Potterworld National Lottery


Minecraft IGN: Pennox__
Serpent Linked

I’ve started doing the national lottery and thought to myself “I wonder if Potterworld would implement something fun like this?”

How would it work?

So, each week players can choose upto five numbers ranging from 1-50 and two lucky numbers from 1-12 - one line for example, could cost 100g each. Everyone that participates will receive a unique code that cannot be disclosed to anyone else. The code will be checked to make sure the winning numbers are the right ones.

Every Sunday the numbers will be selected using a magical mechanic, and the player with at least 5 of the winning numbers will win the jackpot. If there isn’t a selected winner then it rolls over to the next week and so fourth.

The jackpot prize will be the contributed gold, but there could be other prizes added such as cosmetics only made just for the lottery and cannot be store bought to make it unique.

Understandably, it’ll come with a lot of work and coding but I thought it would be an interesting feature :)

As always, thoughts and feedback are welcomed 🙏🏼
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Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: cyym
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
Heyo there!
I like your suggestion, adding something like lottery to PW would be fun but I think collectible item or gold reward would be enough (but it just my opinion)
But I think I like the gold reward more as it can be good thing to adding more ways how to get gold on the server. Also I think 100g for ticket is way too low as you can get tons of gold from quests or selling items, so I think it would be fair to increase price to like 500-2000g per "ticket" (I'm aware it would be harder for new player to attend as their quest don't give that much gold)


Minecraft IGN: KipxSateee
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven SPEW Linked
The idea is cool, especially with what cyym mentioned above.

Personally I just think it might be walking a thin line between crossing the no-gambling rule, as a lottery technically is gambling on (small) odds. That's something that is at the discretion of the CM department. I'm curious to see how this would be implemented.

Anyhow, have an awesome day :heart:

Kind regards,


Minecraft IGN: Pennox__
Serpent Linked
I agree with kip here - gambling is completely against the rules, so it would not be in the rules for this to happen
Thank you all for your feedback :D it completely missed my mind that participating in a lottery is a form of gambling as I wrote that straight after a 12 hour night shift haha. Thank you for your comments though!


Minecraft IGN: viewful
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire
Hello @Pennox__,

We thank you hugely for creating a suggestion! However, I am going to have to decline this suggestion at this time. This suggestion goes against our strict no gambling policy that we have on our server. A lottery would be a form of "gambling that involves the drawing of numbers at random for a prize", so it would break this rule.

For a refresh of our rules - please click here.

Once again, thank you so much for the suggestion, we appreciate it!


New Magician
I can imagine players eagerly checking their codes every Sunday to see if they've hit the jackpot! Plus, the idea of unique cosmetics only available through the lottery is a cool touch.
As you mentioned, it would require some work on the backend to get the system up and running, but I think it's worth considering. And who knows, if it's successful, maybe it could even be expanded upon in the future.
Keep up the good ideas and suggestions!
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