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Beaded Handbags remodel


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: AzazelAC
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Buying the beaded handbag from the joke shop is a great addition for players to have a portable end chest. I came up with the idea to give the handbag a little remodeling or even another option. What if it was designed to be in the shape of a backpack instead to give players the more adventurous feeling as they journey through quests. It would seem like an amazing addition.


Minecraft IGN: YeetChris
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Class Helper SPEW Linked Faerie
Nice one Kiki! While this sounds awesome, I think the beaded handbag just needs an updated model. BUT I feel like adding an Adventurers Backpack to the joke shop would be an amazing idea & could encourage more players to do quests! All in all, great idea!


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
The recent Winter Waltz event had a beaded handbag reward that looks like santa's red gift bag which, when held, was shown on the player's back. It looks cool. Though when a player is walking, the bag model moves in relation to the player's arm, so it's not stationary - though it looks normal when the player isn't moving. Then again, it's not a big problem, just minecraft limitations. Most of the beaded handbag models have been created for holiday events, such as Easter, Halloween, and Christmas which are themed for the respective holiday.

I agree that it would be cool to have an alternative beaded handbag design, but not to replace the current handbag, but to give players other options such as what you suggested with the adventurer's backpack. It would be interesting if they could pull off a fanny/hip pack model without it looking odd when a player moves, too. Imagine if they created other models like a sock, a duffle bag, or wheeled suitcase.

If they ever decided to create new models that players can buy with gold, then they could create a specific shop in Diagon that sells them instead of putting them in the joke shop npcs.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: AzazelAC
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
The recent Winter Waltz event had a beaded handbag reward that looks like santa's red gift bag which, when held, was shown on the player's back. It looks cool. Though when a player is walking, the bag model moves in relation to the player's arm, so it's not stationary - though it looks normal when the player isn't moving. Then again, it's not a big problem, just minecraft limitations. Most of the beaded handbag models have been created for holiday events, such as Easter, Halloween, and Christmas which are themed for the respective holiday.

I agree that it would be cool to have an alternative beaded handbag design, but not to replace the current handbag, but to give players other options such as what you suggested with the adventurer's backpack. It would be interesting if they could pull off a fanny/hip pack model without it looking odd when a player moves, too. Imagine if they created other models like a sock, a duffle bag, or wheeled suitcase.

If they ever decided to create new models that players can buy with gold, then they could create a specific shop in Diagon that sells them instead of putting them in the joke shop npcs.
I love your idea! Yes of course to keep the handbag but other options would be a great addition!


Minecraft IGN: Minyu
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven
I think the original beaded handbag shouldn't be outdated, the backpack idea is really cool but it should be it's own skin which you can obtain through an event or buy somewhere.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: chancywancywoo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Hey there, @Ikexlo ! Thank you so much for sharing this idea! We are always looking for ways to improve the server, so your feedback is appreciated!

I will now share your suggestion with my fellow Poltergeists to see what they think about this. We'll get back to you once we've made a decision, so make sure to keep your eyes peeled!

With thanks,


Minecraft IGN: KipxSateee
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven SPEW Linked
Hia @Ikexlo,

We have returned with our decision! I'm pleased to tell you that the suggestion has been accepted.

We will not be remodeling the handbag to have a bag appearance, as we want to release backpacks to the players in the future, whereas mentioned in previous suggestions we would not want the two items to be confused with each other. However, we will be looking at updating the current beaded handbag texture, as we believe we could make it look better!

Thank you for posting your suggestion and for others who have left their feedback. I wish you a wonderful day :heart:

Warmest regards,


Minecraft IGN: 20zuzka04
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Prefect Class Helper SPEW Sr. Poltergeist Linked Faerie
Hi there @Tori !

I have brought you and update regarding this suggestion! It has unfortunately been changed to decline. After reconsidering this suggestion, we are happy with the visual of the Beaded Handbag. We have also released many reskins and backpacks since this thread was made which provide players with an alternative bag appearance. A similar bag to the Hogsworth satchel idea was also recently released during the 2024 Anniversary Event where players were able to collect a Bag of AC's handbag. Therefore we won't be refreshing the model again.

Regardless, thank you for creating this suggestion and we hope you have a magical day!