Hey everyone!
There are so many items in Potterworld that you can easily get lost on which one is which. That's why I spent some time to create the first resource pack of this kind, Potterworld Plus!
Potterworld Plus is a resource pack that helps Potterworld gameplay by adding textures to specific things such as gear recipes or event items.
Currently the resource pack has more than 140 different textures including various recipes and materials
To use this resourcepack you NEED one of the latest versions of OptiFine between 1.10 and 1.12.2 (1.13+ support will be added in a future patch)
Major credits to PotterworldMC as all of the textures or models in the resource pack are edited versions of content originally created by them, making PotterworldMC the original owners of the models and giving them every right of the models. I will be glad to help if any issue arises
Credits, other than me for writing every script to make the textures work and most of the models, also go to @llamaforpres for helping in retexturing and gathering feedback
That is all! You can find the resource pack right below the thread completely free to download. If you have any feedback/suggestions feel free to reply to this thread!
There are so many items in Potterworld that you can easily get lost on which one is which. That's why I spent some time to create the first resource pack of this kind, Potterworld Plus!
Potterworld Plus is a resource pack that helps Potterworld gameplay by adding textures to specific things such as gear recipes or event items.
Currently the resource pack has more than 140 different textures including various recipes and materials
The first group is a recipes chest opened without the pack, while the second is using it. You can also notice textures for fire dust and storybook pages
Not every texture is included in these screenshots, materials have a different texture based on their tier too (I'm too poor to get every material lol)
To use this resourcepack you NEED one of the latest versions of OptiFine between 1.10 and 1.12.2 (1.13+ support will be added in a future patch)
Questions that were frequently brought up while gathering feedback:
Q. Is this allowed on Potterworld?
A. It really is! I've gathered multiple answers from the staff team and I can confirm you there's no risk in using the resource pack.
Q. Why do you need Optifine?
A. OptiFine has a specific feature named CIT (Custom Item Texture) that makes the textures in the resource pack apply to the items on Potterworld. Make sure to enable this feature by going to Options > Video Settings > Quality > Custom Items
Q. Why is 1.13+ not supported at the moment?
A. The feature mentioned above works differently on 1.13+, so adding support for it would require me to write the entire resource pack's code again (which will be done soon!)
Q. Are more items going to be added?
A. Of course! I'd love to add more textures to ingredients or profession items, but I'm not the best at artwork so I don't know if they will ever be done. If you'd like to help PM me on Discord (Deci#5120).
Q. Where can I report issues with the resource pack?
A. Please don't make in-game tickets if anything doesn't work as expected, following all these answers should be enough and if not you can DM me either on the forums or on discord.
Q. Is this allowed on Potterworld?
A. It really is! I've gathered multiple answers from the staff team and I can confirm you there's no risk in using the resource pack.
Q. Why do you need Optifine?
A. OptiFine has a specific feature named CIT (Custom Item Texture) that makes the textures in the resource pack apply to the items on Potterworld. Make sure to enable this feature by going to Options > Video Settings > Quality > Custom Items
Q. Why is 1.13+ not supported at the moment?
A. The feature mentioned above works differently on 1.13+, so adding support for it would require me to write the entire resource pack's code again (which will be done soon!)
Q. Are more items going to be added?
A. Of course! I'd love to add more textures to ingredients or profession items, but I'm not the best at artwork so I don't know if they will ever be done. If you'd like to help PM me on Discord (Deci#5120).
Q. Where can I report issues with the resource pack?
A. Please don't make in-game tickets if anything doesn't work as expected, following all these answers should be enough and if not you can DM me either on the forums or on discord.
Major credits to PotterworldMC as all of the textures or models in the resource pack are edited versions of content originally created by them, making PotterworldMC the original owners of the models and giving them every right of the models. I will be glad to help if any issue arises
Credits, other than me for writing every script to make the textures work and most of the models, also go to @llamaforpres for helping in retexturing and gathering feedback
That is all! You can find the resource pack right below the thread completely free to download. If you have any feedback/suggestions feel free to reply to this thread!
Bold changes are about the resource pack while italic changes are about the thread
03/21 - Added more information in the FAQ regarding OptiFine
03/21 - Added more information in the FAQ regarding OptiFine
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