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Broom Particle Trails (cosmetic effect)


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: AstralFae
Dark Follower Serpent
This is just a fun little idea that popped into my head, I'm not even sure if it's possible, but here goes:

Broom particle effects, coming from the "back" of your broom, like a small stream of particles flowing behind you. Similar to how we get wand particle effects based on our allegiance packages.

For example:

DF would have the black particles coming from their broom.
Phoenix would have gold
Aurorlock would have the aqua blue
Vampire would have dark red
Werewolf would have grey

(if package is already purchased on account they would be redeemable with a command or in the /me section)

Other colors would of course also be available separately from the store or as rewards in events or possibly even for voting (house colours, maybe?)

Multicoloured "trails" could also be used in future events as a reward, such as a rainbow particle effect in a future pride event, red and green at christmas, etc.

Idk, I just think this could be a fun idea, especially as possible future rewards because who doesn't love cool rewards in game ;)

I am totally in love with the pride staff >.>

Thanks for reading, have a nice day :3


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
I really like this idea! Since we already have the wand effects, broom effects would be a nice touch to complete the packages for cosmetics! There could possibly be the addition of broom bundles on the store which would be the broom appearance and the particle trail all in one.


Minecraft IGN: oldromantics
Auralock Dark Follower Raven SPEW
There could possibly be the addition of broom bundles on the store which would be the broom appearance and the particle trail all in one.
Building off of this idea, I think that wand and broom particle bundles could be really interesting additions as well!! As someone who loves matching, the option to get a bundle with matching wand and broom effects would be awesome.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: AstralFae
Dark Follower Serpent
rip... , I thought particles could be turned off from the players end though? (at least, it is with optifine, I can't remember if it's a "vanilla" option... i remember failing many times just the other day at the "invisible parkour" section in the pride event, turned a certain particle/animation back on and there were particles showing where the blocks were so that's irrefutable proof that I'm dumb so..)

Nvm though, was just a fun idea that I would have loved to see, but performance is ofc more important :D


Minecraft IGN: bakakitten69
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent SPEW Linked
If it were possible to do, it sounds like an amazing idea! I could definitely see players buying these effects from the store and using them. :D


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hey @Sirje_Wildmoon!

Unfortunately your suggestion has been declined. As said by others and the thread mentioned, we are not able to find a way to implement this type of cosmetic effect without causing some sort of performance issue(s). Additionally, we’re also not sure how popular this would be among players.

We look forward to seeing more suggestions from you in the future! Have a magical day!