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Spell Suggestion (Anaticula)


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: BandaidUrOwie
Raven Vampire
An idea for a fun joke spell that isn't just a reskin of vermillio is Anaticula, perhaps for an event. Anaticula has a simple effect on the target, where the target's spells now only produce ducks instead of the desired effect. An example would be:
Wizard 1: *casts Anaticula*
Wizard 2: *casts Stupefy*
Wizard 2's Wand: Produces live duck rather than intended stunning spell

This spell would be a jinx type spell with a Crowd Control category. The easiest way to implement it would be something similar to the Stupeficus spell, whereas instead of stopping spells cast, it instead produces a duck. There would be exceptions, such as high-levelled spells, or utility spells. An effective cooldown would be 35 seconds, with a duration of 5 seconds, to prevent constant inability to use spells. So, in summary:

Jinx: Causes opponent's wand produce ducks instead of intended spells
Category: Crowd Control
Cooldown: 35 seconds
Range: 28 meters
Duration: 5 seconds
Cost: 35 magic


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Pupies
Hii, BandaidUrOwie! I think the spell is entertaining and it would super fun to use in events. I also do think it should be in potterworld as a spell. I would also think it would be super fun to use in dueling. However, I feel there should be a counter to this spell.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: BandaidUrOwie
Raven Vampire
Hii, BandaidUrOwie! I think the spell is entertaining and it would super fun to use in events. I also do think it should be in potterworld as a spell. I would also think it would be super fun to use in dueling. However, I feel there should be a counter to this spell.
The counter would be something like level 3 spells are immune, or certain spells just naturally have immunity, like the powerful graduate spells.


Head of Academics
Head Staff
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Creme_de_Creme
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Head Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Drooble's Order Linked Faerie
I really like this idea and the planning you have put behind this already! However, I would agree that 5 seconds does seem to be a long time without a counter unless we potentially consider certain defensive spells to be some of the few spells that are unaffected such as appareo and ascendo.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: BandaidUrOwie
Raven Vampire
I really like this idea and the planning you have put behind this already! However, I would agree that 5 seconds does seem to be a long time without a counter unless we potentially consider certain defensive spells to be some of the few spells that are unaffected such as appareo and ascendo.
Of course, there are counters, and I forgot to say, but any spell that does not shoot a projectile but instead gives another effect, such as most defensive spells, would be exempt from the effect.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hi, @BandaidUrOwie!

Thanks so much for suggesting this idea! I think it would a great addition to the server so I'm going to bring it up with the other Poltergeists! We'll look into this suggestion soon and I'll reply once again when we've reached a decision!

Have a great day!


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Hello again @BandaidUrOwie,

Unfortunately, we will be declining this suggestion, as we feel it would ultimately be too overpowered along with Expellimo. Additionally, we feel that if we were to bring a new spell into the Jinx category, this would not be the concept we would want to go for. Therefore, while it is a fun idea, we will not be looking into adding it.

Thanks again for your suggestion and have a wonderful day <3